Housing in Southern Africa April 2016

Bathrooms, Kitchens & Plumbing

G eberit Silent-db20 fulfils exist- ing sound insulation require- ments without difficulty, as the sound insulation comes already installed. The HDPE, mineral rein- forced plastic lends the pipes and fittings an increased weight, thus ef- fectively reducing both their natural vibration and the sound it generates. Sound insulation ribs in the im- pact zones further reduce noise de- velopment. In addition, system pipe brackets for wall fastening decouple the drainage system acoustically from both walls and ceilings, thus preventing a transmission of solid- borne sound. Geberit Silent is suitable for practically every type of building. Branch fittings in the typical stack dimensions are hydraulically optimised. This allows for greater loads and even smaller Leading plumbing and sanitary products specialist, Geberit, has introduced a range of High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) robust piping material suitable for sani tar y and dra inage systems. HDPE drainage system

c o mm e r c i a l a p p l i c a t i o n s . The Geberit Research and De- v e l o pme n t d e pa r tme n t a n d laboratories develop and test prod- ucts and the company appreciates feedback from customers. Roof drainage systems With the Geberit Pluvia roof outlet, Geberit has revolutionised water drainage from large roof areas. The negative pressure technology of the roof drainage system achieves a dis- charge rate practically twice as great as conventional waste and drainage systems and simplifies the planning of the entire system. This means that large buildings are well-equipped for increasingly frequent heavy rainfalls. Floor drainage systems With Geberit shower channels and floor drains, Geberit ensures safe drainage in the floor. As is the case with all Geberit systems, the floor drains also incorporate the hydraulic know-how of Geberit, which offers not only safe and rapid water drain- age and simple cleaning, but also protection against blockage. The systems simplify the installation and the construction of the floor. Waste fittings and traps Safe, reliable and with a high dis- charge capacity: Geberit waste fit- tings and traps close the gap between sanitary equipment such as showers, bathtubs, washbasins, WCs, kitchen sinks, washing machines and dish- washers. Geberit ensures that ev- erything fits together in the building installation. The company was founded in 1874 and has built a reputation for sustainability, innovation, quality and reliability. ■

stack dimensions in some cases. Pipes and fittings are available in di- mensions from56mm to 160mm, i.e. for all building types, fromresidential houses to high-rise. Economical and safe connec- tion methods such as electrofusion couplers achieve a comprehensive tensile strength simply and safely, e.g. for additional safety when laid in concrete or with cramped instal- lation conditions. Butt welding is considered a traditional and safe connection method on site or during prefabrication. Cutting andmounting is carried out without hazardous flex- ing. Scrap pieces left over from pro- cessing canbe reused as fitting pieces or disposed of without difficulty. Geberit products offer everything a successful plumbing company needs from a simple installation, compliance with relevant standards and economic efficiency. The company’s products ensure that building owners and architects can depend on a high degree of reli- ability, convenience and freedom with regard to the planning and placement of sanitary appliances and cost-efficient, fast progress, not only during renovation, but also in new build. Building drainage systems For practically all areas of

building drainage, Geberit offers the appropriate so- lutions – from optimised fire protection and sound insulation installation residential developments and uses through waste anddrainage systems for high-

rise buildings, all the way to special solutions for industrial, retail and

April 2016

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