Housing in Southern Africa December 2015
T he deal signed between the Dutch government and the City of Cape Town will help to change the apartheid spatial legacy in the city. According to Mayoral Committee Member for Community Services andSpecial Projects, Belinda Walker the ORIO grant is validation of the city’s governance record. “We have worked tirelessly to- wards creating a well-run city. This government will ensure that the €500 000 euros (R7,6 million) ORIO grant is spent in the most efficient and responsible way possible. Part of the funds will be used on the IRT: Phase 2A roll-out in Khayelitsha. This will include building trunk routes, feeder routes, stations, stops, a de- pot and facilities for non-motorised transport. The funds will also be used to upgrade five public transport inter- changes in order to ensure that even broader socio-economic benefits and opportunities will be enjoyed by the surrounding communities,” says Walker. A further €19,4 million euros (R295,2 million) for the implementa- tion of the entire project is yet to be considered by the Dutch Government at a later stage. Walker explains that not only has the Dutch Government entrusted the city with funding, but they have also invested their time by sharing their expertise. “We look forward to imple- menting this project for residents, knowing that it has been formed by international best practice. We are also excited about the Memorandum of Cooperation on the Two Rivers Urban Park that was signed between The Dutch Government has provided an Infrastructure Development Facility (ORIO) funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs to encourage p u b l i c i n f r a s t r u c t u r e development in developing countries. Dutch fund Cape Town infrastructure Housing
From left to right: Martijn van Dam, State Secretary for Economic Affairs/ Minister for Agriculture of the Netherlands; Brett Herron, Mayoral Committee Member: Transport for Cape Town; and Belinda Walker, Mayoral Committee Member for Community Services and Special Projects.
the City and the Western Cape Gov- ernment partnership with the Dutch Government offering technical ex- pertise. They have introduced us to cross-sector design thinking through study tours and workshops, with a key focus on catchment manage- ment, innovative water technology solutions and flood mitigation.” Located at the convergence of the Black and Liesbeek Rivers in Cape Town, the Two Rivers Urban Park (TRUP) is a mixed-use, transit- oriented development model for sus- tainable living. The Live-Work-Play model envisioned for the site will be developed into an attractive, high- yielding destination that functions to
provide conservation, recreation, em- ployment, production and connected neighbourhoods. TRUP is primarily aimed at overcoming the legacy of spatial apartheid planning by creat- ing an accessible and inclusive game- changing development node that will function as a gateway to the city thanks to its central location. Walker thanked Henk Ovink, Spe- cial Envoy for Water Affairs for the Dutch Government, on his appoint- ment to guide specialist input from the Dutch specialist team. And for offering his services to the City at no cost. Both of the agreements under- pin the city’s commitment to combat the apartheid spatial legacy. ■
SAPMA acts against bogus members The South African Paint Manufacturing Association (SAPMA) has issued a strong warning that it will not hesitate to take legal action against companies falsely claiming membership of the Association.
E xecutive Director, Deryck Spen- ce, says it has come to SAPMA’s notice that Permatex Wall & Roof Coatings, was still implying it is a member of SAPMA. The coat- ing’s company had its membership to SAPMA terminated following complaints regarding poor standard of service and operational conduct. Secondly, Wondercoat Wall & Roof Coatings was also falsely claiming to be a SAPMA member whereas this company had, in fact, never been admitted as a member. “The Master Builders Association North in late
2012 successfully obtained a High Court interdict against Wondercoat Wall & Roof Coatings, which thenwas fraudulently claiming to be amember of theMBA. So the legal precedent has been set and SAPMA will not hesitate to institute similar court proceedings to combat bogus membership. “SAP- MA members uphold a strict Code of Ethics and we simply cannot afford to have unscrupulous companies masquerading as SAPMA members to add credibility to their operations, ruin SAPMA’s reputation and status of our members,” Spence warned. ■
December 2015
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