Housing in Southern Africa December 2015
Celebrity Build at Savanna
T he development is being fund- ed by Basil Read and HIFSA, a R9 billion fund formed by Old Mutual, the Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA), the Gov- ernment Employees Pension Fund (GEPF) and the Eskom Pension and Provident Fund. Further funding will be provided by National Government and the Gauteng Department of Hu- man Settlements. The 1 428 ha site will provide 18 399 housing opportunities across the residential spectrumand the fully integrated Catalytic Project will pro- vide 16 educational facilities, 9 retail and commercial sites, 32 institutional Savanna City, a new Midvaal Catalytic Project , is being developed by Basil Read and the Housing Impact Fund of South Africa (HIFSA).
sites including social and community services as well as parks. The R24 billion project follows the successful pilot fully integrated human settlements model at Cosmo City, pioneered by Basil Read, the Gauteng Provincial Government and the City of Johannesburg. Service level agreements have been concluded between Midvaal, Emfuleni, contractor Basil Read Construction, Torro Ya Africa/Dryden Projects, Cosmopolitan Projects, the City of Johannesburg and the Sedi- beng District Municipality.
Situated near Orange Farm, the project will create work opportuni- ties, stimulate increased demand for goods and services and skills devel- opment programmes. During con- struction, 54 900 job opportunities will be created and 12 700 permanent employment post construction. The Gauteng Province flagship project saw a number of SABC TV ce- lebrities, government officials, MEC’s and Executive Mayors take part in a Celebrity Build day during November. The event culminated in the hando- ver of a number of houses to elderly beneficiaries including two recipients who were over 100 years old. The event brought together gov- ernment seniors managers, CEO’s of housing institutions, celebrities, sponsors, municipal managers and stakeholders to advocate and recog- nise access to shelter as a basic right for all humanity. The Celebrity Build highlights the critical role played by society through volunteer work, transmitting experience and knowledge, to help families. ■
T he City of Cape Town Mayoral CommitteeMember for Energy, Environmental and Spatial Planning, Councillor Johan van der Merwe told delegates at the 5 th World Town Planning Day event, “Cape Town has a planning legacy that works against the aims of integration and equality for which we strive. However, we have towork towards changing the spatial patterns of our city if we are to fulfil our commitment of an inclusive, integrated city which is strengthened by our diversity.” Van der Merwe adds that across South Africa, the spatial lesions of the apartheid regime are evident; but in Cape Town, combinedwith the topographical layout, town planning must be used as a tool to redress and social and economic stability in the dynamic fast-growing city. “Densification is a positive word - it represents opportunity, resil- ience, and progress. It is a message that needs to be conveyed to the public. An efficient and transparent planning and building management environment is essential for a strong, developing economy. The City has ap- proved building plans of R6,3 billion between July and September 2015. This is an increase of 27% compared to the previous three months. With over 10 000 active projects, van der Merwe says that it is their responsi- bility to ensure that development is measured against the sustainability ideals. “The principles of resource- efficiency and conservation are integral to the growth story of Cape Town’s countenance.” ■ Town planning drives integration
December 2015
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