Lighting in Design Q1 2024

L ightemotion, a global lighting design consultancy that creates pathways to enhanced human ex periences, proudly presents its enlightenment of Sq uare V iger, a neglected public space bridging M ontreal’s contemporary downtown core with the preserved history of Old Montreal. Forming part of an eight year contemporary overhaul to restore the space as a green and accessible public sq uare, the proj ect anchors around the preservation of a historic monument, and the revival of pergolas originally designed by Q uebec artist C harles D audelin. “ In the 1 9 5 0 s and ’6 0 s, Sq uare V iger was an iconic space in the style of a N ew Y ork C ity park , ” explains François Roupinian, President and Design Director of Lightemotion. “A highway through the downtown core was constructed underneath it, and it was restored in more of a Brutalist style in the 1 9 7 0 s. ” H eeding t h e c al l In addition to restoring elements of Sq uare V iger’s past, the proj ect envisioned the infusion of fresh new life to carry the public space beyond the present and into the future. “ O n a macro level, that vision unfolded through the addition of abundant perennial plants able to withstand the challenging elements of M ontreal’s four-seasons, as well as through the addition of more than 5 0 new trees, ” ex plains R oupinian. “ In approaching the Canada’s illumination masters Lightemotion’s personification of inanimate objects infuses life into an urban public square. All the world is a stage

task at hand, the proj ect’s landscape architect, NIPPAYSAGE, brought Lightemotion in from the very beginning to bring it all to life. ” In the shadow of a recently built hospital complex , L ightemotion wanted to approach the


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