Lighting in Design Q1 2024
proj ect from an angle that is 1 8 0 ° removed from what a traditional park ex perience calls for. In assessing the contents of the newly designed Square, the firm devised a masterplan to create a sensory ex perience for its future users. “ T he user ex perience is at the heart of everything we do, and we tak e great pride in think ing outside of the box and its perceived perimeters, ” says Roupinian. “We are a multifaceted design firm, and our core focus is on the delivery of sensory ex periences. ” In addition to the preserved historic monument paying tribute to Jean-Olivier Chénier and the concrete arches of D audelin’s work , L ightemotion had two beautiful new fountains to work . In assessing all its various elements, L ightemotion formed a view of Sq uare V iger as a metaphorical stage of stages, with tiers of actors including the art, the monument, the fountains, and the
surrounding landscape of trees and vegetation. D etermined to steer clear of a solution comprising a flat field of light, the firm embarked on the design of a moody environment to bring Sq uare V iger’s actors to life. A v ib rant sc eno grap h y T he illumination of L ightemotion’s stage began with a focus on D audelin’s art, creating individual lighting for each concrete slab. In the contex t of art gallery lighting, the firm infused it with movement to create a sense of strolling through a meandering canyon. At night, the resulting lighting scheme brings it all to life, inj ecting breath into otherwise inanimate obj ects. “ D audelin’s installations are the breathing lungs of the Square, defined by the fading in and slowly fading out of light, ” describes R oupinian. “ If you tak e the time to sit and enj oy the space for half
L iD Q 1 - 2 0 2 4
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