MechChem Africa April 2018
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Spanjaard lubricants, oils and greases
“Lubrication-relatedfailuresinmachin- ery are generally preventable and can be avoidedwith the applicationof the correct lubricant, at the right time. And while multipurpose grease is adequate in many applications, more arduous operating conditions demand the judicious selection of the correct lubricant and lubrication system. “BMG’s extensive portfolio of lo- cally manufactured Spanjaard lubricants and allied chemical products have been principally formulated to improve perfor- mance of equipment and machinery and to enhance maintenance in heavy-duty applications,” Gravett. These include anti-seize compounds andpenetrants, assemblyanddisassembly products, chain lubricants, transmission oils, cleaners and degreasers, electrical maintenance products, plastic moulding and cutting compounds, as well as engi- neering and fabrication materials. Also available are a number of Spanjaard greasing solutions, includ- ing open gear lubricants and wire rope dressings; bearing and synthetic bearing greases; as well as other general grease products. The highly polished and precisely manufactured GEMÜ 790 series ball fits snugly and air-tightly into the internal seal contour. A discharge slit in the seal ensures pressure relief in the valve flow. This not only reduces the seat wear but also lowers the actuating torque required to rotate the ball, enabling cost-effective and energy-efficient operation. The additional pressure relief hole in the ball enables pressure compensation, preventing a potential failure due to an in- ternalbuild-upofpressure,whileblow-out protection in the shaft ensures maximum operational safety. The stainless steel ball valves of the GEMÜ 790 series are designed to en- able quick and easy servicing of internal wearing parts at all times. The generous valve neck extension has a top flange in accordance with EN ISO 5211. This stan- dardised interface enables the user to fit theball valvewith various different actua- tors. The solid design of the body with an additional enclosed body seal enables use at pressures up to 137 bar, as well as in vacuum applications. Dependingon customer requirements, the ball valves are available with full or with reduced through flow. operating parameters in order to ensure a safe process sequence.
BMG’s extensive range of sealing prod- ucts encompasses Spanjaard lubricants, oils and greases, which are suitable for industrial, automotive, marine, mining and consumer applications. “The effects of friction and the result- ing wear of moving components, are sig- nificantly reducedby effective lubrication. The purpose of any lubricant, which may taketheformofoil,greaseoralow-friction solid, is to separate the mating surfaces
and thereby reduce friction and wear. For this reason, lubrication is considered tobe one of themost important aspects ofmost industrial equipment andmachinerymain- tenance programmes,” saysMarcGravett, business unit manager, seals, BMG. “Not only do lubricants, oils and greases extend the service life of machinery and equip- ment, but they also play an important role in enhancing performance of components such as bearings and industrial chain.
Spanjaard lubricants and allied chemical products include anti-seize compounds and penetrants, assembly and disassembly products, chain lubricants, transmission oils, cleaners and degreasers, electrical maintenance products, plastic moulding and cutting compounds, as well as engineering and fabrication materials.
The GEMÜ 790 ball valve series stands out thanks to its compact yet robust design. At the same time, it is suitable for use up to a pressure rating of PN125. Reliable valves for high operating pressures ficient filtration procedures in water treatment is reverse osmosis. During this procedure, the unclean water is pressed through a semi-permeable diaphragm at high pressure.
The operating pressure range for ball valves in industrialwastewater treatment, for example, is 60 to 70 bar; by contrast, it is between 60 to 80 bar for sea water. A ball valve which is installed in the raw water supply or clean water drain outlet must be able to sustain these demanding
Ball valves can be used in a wide variety of applications in industrial processes, and in water supply and water treatment systems in par- ticular. One of the most ef-
NDT Stalwart honoured Manfred Johannes, the CSIR physicist who has dedicated his life to Non-destructive Testing (NDT) has been presented with The SAINT Gold Medal for Outstanding Contribution to NDT. Johannes is an honorary member and an ex president of the Southern African Institute of NDT (SAINT). “We are proud tobe honouringManfredwith this award for his contribution toadvancingNDT inSouthAfrica,”saidBerndRohloff,beforenoting that Johannes has already been honoured with an honorary doctorate in NDT by the University of the Vaal Triangle for his contribution, support and assistance in NDT at that Institution.
Manfred Johannes receives The SAINT Gold Medal for Outstanding Contribution to NDT from honorary member and past president, Bernd Rohloff.
38 ¦ MechChem Africa • April 2018
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