MechChem Africa April 2018
⎪ Products and industry news ⎪
Continuous ion exchange equipment to DRC
Afrox IVR cylinders provide constant oxygen supply Designed specifically to address the needs of medical practitioners and respiratory therapists for theadministrationofmedical oxygen in portable cylinders, the ready- to-use, mobile Integrated Valve Regulator (IVR) cylinders fromAfrox are fittedwith a built-invalve,regulator,livecontentsgauge and flow controls. “With conventional cylinders, medical staff have noway of knowing how much gas the cylinder contains, whichoften leads togaswastage.With the IVR cylinders, it is not necessary to train nurses on how to fit and effec- tively use the IVRunits as no assembly is required,” says Joseph Ramashala, head of healthcare at Afrox. Ramashala explains that with the portable IVR oxygen cylinder there is no need to change the regulator as it is built into the cylinder and therefore there is no interruption of patient care, ensuring constant oxygen supply. Flowcanbe controlled to precisely meet patients’ needs through constant controlled outlet pressure, while the live contents gauge prevents gas wastage asmedical staff can easily monitor gas levels. “The IVR units also have a handle, making the cylinders easy to carry, allowing medical staff to move themwith ease,” he adds.
Leading mineral process company, Multotec Process Equipment, will be providing a continuous ion exchange (Clean-iX ® ) metals processing scav- engingequipmenttoacustomerinthe Democratic Republic of Congo. Theequipment, usingClean-
iX ion exchange technology fromMelbourne-basedmetals recovery and industrial water treatment specialists Clean TeQ, will treat up to20-million
The Multotec CleanTeq Plant layout for continuous ion exchange (Clean-iX ® ) metals processing scavenging equipment to be installed in the DRC.
petrochemical and power generation industries,Multotec has anexclusive tech- nology distribution agreementwithClean TeQ for the African continent. “TheDRCcontract confirms the rapidly increasing global interest in the applica- tion of continuous ion exchange technol- ogyformetallurgicalscavengingandwater purification,” says Carien Spagnuolo, se- nior process engineer atMultotecProcess Equipment. “The installation is expected to offer another valuable reference for the efficacy and cost effectiveness of the process, forwhich there is a largepotential market,” she concludes.
Comtest is offering Fluke ‘Ex’ Dual Range Pressure Calibrator for use in classified environments, offering ranges, accura- cies and capabilities ideal for gas custody transfermeasurements. The Fluke 721Ex, with IEC Ex and Atex Ex ia IIB T3 Gb (Zone 1) ratings, is available in 14 models and can be used with a Fluke 720RTD probe for temperature measurement. Fluke has also introduced 700 series pressure test hose and pump kits, which minimise fitting difficulty and leaks when connecting a pressure calibrator or pump to a device under test. The quick installa- tion, without the use of tools, increases efficiency, and saves time. These pressure accessories are a best-in-class set of pre- mium hose and no-tools-required (NTR) pressure connection accessories. litres a day of a raffinate stream, removing contaminant metals and improving the quality and environmental rank of the raffinate before it is processed further. The technology is built on the founda- tions of batch ion exchange, a process that has been used in the industry for over 50 years. The Clean-iX process allows the extraction of metals from clarified leach liquors using a ‘moving packed bed’ col- umn, maximising adsorption, a method of extraction that has higher efficiency than conventional technologies. As a leading provider of high-quality mineral processing equipment and solu- tions to the mining, mineral processing,
Dual-range pressure calibrator for use in classified environments
display will show two pressure readings anda temperature reading simultaneously – and up to five frequently used setups can be stored. Fluke 700 Pressure Calibration Test Kits introduce a family of pressure con- nection accessories to make the difficult task of making pneumatic and hydraulic pressure test connections easy and leak free. This family of accessories includes two special transmitter test hoses, the TTH5K and the TTH10K, with the NTR 700M20TH intended for connection to femaleChineseM20process connections.
The Fluke 721Ex Precision Pressure Calibrator.
The rugged Fluke 721Ex Dual Range Pressure Calibrator, featuring two iso- lated, stainless steel, pressure sensors with accuracies to ±0.025% full scale, provides measurement of static pres- sure, difference in pressure and (optional) temperature of gas flow. The large backlit
April 2018 • MechChem Africa ¦ 39
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