MechChem Africa February 2018
⎪ Products and industry news ⎪
BMG and NSK sign new distribution agreement
stakeholders and customers. BMG was appointed by NSK, Japan, in 1991 as exclusive distributors in South Africa, for NSK’s extensive range of bear- ings.Throughtherestructuredagreement,
BMG and NSK recently consolidated a long-standing partnership, with the recent signing of a new distribution agreement, that enhances the original contract and augers well for companies,
generalagribusiness,inover100countries. Specialistservicesextendfromfeasibil- ity studies to detailed engineering design, construction and commissioning, in both the agricultural and factory sectors. Bosch Projects has an extensive net- work of offices in Africa, South and Central America, theUnitedKingdomand Indonesia andworks closelywith technol- ogy partners in South East Asia, the USA and India. “The creation of the Lubritech divi- sion shows our intent to further grow our mining and food lubricants business as well as develop new markets for FUCHS Lubritechproducts for cement, wind, glass and sugar – and we have a skilled team of sales and product specialists ready to support our customers,” concludesDeppe. Lubritech for some time now. With the formation of a Lubritech division within the company it means that we will focus much more on specialty lubricants.” many decades and BMG is proud to rep- resent this prestigious brand. Through the strengthened agreement, BMG and NSK South Africa are consolidating services and working together strategically on in- creasing awareness of the NSK brand and identifyingopportunities for growth inkey market sectors within Africa and abroad. BMGwill increase availability of stock out of NSK’s Europeandistribution centre in Tilburg, Netherlands, and values engi- neering and marketing support from the NSK team in the UK and Germany. BMG’s R400-million investment to upgrade the existingDrostePark facilities into a leading-edge distribution centre − BMG World − centralises functional and support operations onto one site. BMG’s bearing division − the cornerstone of the business − has restructured its manage- ment: Werner de Bruyn is business unit manager and Rouff Essop is operations manager.
all sales will nowbe channelled through NSK’s South African operation. “BMG’s NSK range − one of our leading bearings brands − extends from precision miniature bearings used in machine tools and electron- ics applications, to giant size bearings used in steel and min- ing industries. This portfolio encompasses miniature, ball, roller, large bore and roll neck bearings, to name but a few,” says Keith van Wyk, BMG’s distribution director. “NSK has beenat the forefront of bearing design and development for
Front row from left: Robin Briggs, managing director, NSK South Africa; and Gavin Pelser, managing director, BMG. Back row from left: Werner de Bruyn, business unit manager, Bearings, BMG; Chris Coetzee, manager: technical sales and operations, NSK South Africa; and Keith van Wyk, BMG’s distribution director.
Specialty lubricants division opens
FUCHS Lubritech and FUCHS Lubricants South Africa have created a Lubritech division to be operational from 1 January 2018. BernhardBiehl, CEOFUCHSLubritech Group, said: “With the integration of the Lubritene and Lubrasa business into FUCHS Lubricants South Africa in 2014, the time is now ripe to start a specialty lu- bricantsdivisionwithinFUCHSLubricants South Africa.
“The acquired businesses, mainly lubricants for the mining and food industries, brought ini- tial sales growth and now offers numerous prospects for further expansion inSouthAfricaand the entire Southern African region.
The Fuchs Lubricants South Africa premises in Isando, Gauteng.
Bosch Holdings (Pty) Ltd – multidisci- plinary consulting engineers – has ap- pointed Hugh Glyn-Jones as managing director of Booker Tate Limited, part of Bosch Projects (Pty) Ltd. Booker Tate, which was acquired from RCL Foods by Bosch Projects in 2017, provides innovative, cost-competitive technical solutions for cane sugarmills and refineries, cogeneration plants, ethanol distilleries, sugar cane production and “Combining these advantageswith the longtime specialty business of Ceplattyn Open Gear Lubricants and Cassida Food Grade Lubricants, we will hold a strong market position in the Southern African region. At the same time, we have a strong team in place to substantially increase our market share and to set up new market sectors,” says Biehl. Paul Deppe, managing director of FUCHS Lubricants South Africa, adds: “FUCHS Lubricants South Africa has been purchasing product from FUCHS
New GM for HAW Werner Joubert was ap- pointed general manager at the Hydraulic & Automation Warehouse (HAW), part of the Hytec Group. Reporting directly toHytecGroup’s chief executive, Joubert is tasked with ensuring HAW achieves
Bosch Holdings appointment
its strategic and financial objectives, as well as cultivating and continuing long-term client relationships and managing the HAW portfolio so new products to market can be introduced at competitive pricing. With a Bachelor in Business Administration Degree and a Diploma inMarketing, Joubert has 17 years’ experience in the hydraulics industry, 11 of them at a managerial level, the most recent being branchmanager at HAWJohannesburg for seven years.
36 ¦ MechChem Africa • February 2018
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