MechChem Africa February 2018
⎪ Products and industry news ⎪
New detonation flame arresters from Energas
detonationflamearrestersaredesignedto withstand deflagrations, as well as stable detonations overdriven/unstable detona- tions. These arresters are bi-directional, capable of stopping a flame or detona- tion approaching from either direction of a piping system,” adds Sekwadi. The Series 26000E/36000E detonation flame arrester designs utilise improved-flow, crimped metal flame arrester elements. The range comes with high-strength, welded housing, both hydrostatically and pneumatically tested.” The arresters are suitable for short- time burn when additional external safety equipment is properly used in accordance with the requirements of EN ISO16852. Short-time burn arresters are equipped with two half-inch FNPT taps for the installation of ATEX-approved, intrinsically-safe temperature probe as- semblies. Unstable detonation arresters
Now available in Southern Africa through Energas Technologies, a leading supplier of high-end and specialised equipment to the oil and gas industries in the region, is a new range of detonation flame arrest- ers from leading US-based manufacturer, Protectoseal. The new P r o t e c t o s ea l Se r i e s 26000E/36000E bi-directional overdriv- en/unstabledetonationarrestersushersin anewerainflamearrestertechnologythat canwithstanddeflagrationanddetonation flame fronts.
The Detonation Series 25, 26, 25, 36 000E, from Energas.
are required for safety in piping contain- ing flammable vapours, as encountered in vapour recovery or manifolded tank systems. “A confined flame front will ac- celerate fromthe point of ignition, quickly reaching the speed of sound in the pipe run. During the unavoidable transitionpe- riod from subsonic to supersonic speeds, flamefrontpressuresandvelocitiesarefar greater than before or after the transition (an unstable detonation),” explains Botha.
Aslewof renewed accreditations not only means that Bearings International (BI) continues to offer products and services of the highest quality, but that issues such as customer service and traceability are improved constantly. The renewed accreditations are ISO 9001-2015, ISO 14001-2015, ISO26001-2010, OHSAS 18001-2007, and SANS 16001-2013. BI was initially accredited as far back as 2006, which means this has become engrained in the supplier’s approach to conducting its business. “The beauty of our new Series 26000E/36000E bi-directional overdriv- en/unstable detonation arresters is that the flow and pressure drop performance for these units are extremely competi- tive compared to other manufacturers’ devices,” says Lavenda Sekwadi, process engineer at Energas. “Protectoseal’sSeries26000E/36000E Renewed bearing accreditations improve traceability unit head, Ross Trevelyan, comments. In addition, BI has an internal team in place that focuses solely on compliance. Here the ISO and SHEQ function falls under Widor Grobbelaar, with Elisma Lubbe leading the team, ably assisted by Tracey van Biljon andWalter Deyzel. Trevelyan points out that the ac- creditations cover all aspects of the business, fromquality to environmental health and safety, and corporate social responsibility. “The benefits of such accreditations are vast, from renewed confidence in the products we supply, to the consistent way customer issues are handled. “We ‘live the system’, which means these standards are a daily event, au- dited both internally and externally, to ensure compliance and address any deviations that may arise,” BI business Functional, affordable and reliable underground comms “Thesystemalsoensures traceability, so that whenever there is a problem, we can put corrective measures in place to
improve. Hence the biggest benefit is the process of constant improvement,” Trevelyan elaborates. BI’s staff has embraced the system as a result. “This is not to suggest we are inflexible; if we perceive ways of carrying out our busi- ness in amore effectivemanner, we will embrace these changes in our process.” Trevelyan adds that new staff are introduced to the accreditation process during their induction and that constant internal auditing will ensure that high levels of training are maintained.
infrastructure and accessories. It also main- tains and services the equipment it supplies. The operation specialises in installing and splicing new fibre optic cables and repairing existing cables, testing their splicing integrity and issuing certificates verifying this splicing integrity,whetheronsurfaceorunderground. It offers the Trinity range of leaky feeder products, designed to improve the quality and functionality of underground commu- nications. For all medium frequency com- munication requirements, Ya Batho has the Kutta range of products. These medium
frequency ra- dios work with
Experts incommunication systems for under- ground coal and hard rock mines, Ya Batho’s local communication products offer both high level functionality and affordable costs of ownership. Active in themarket since 2010, YaBatho grew quickly from its focus on fibre optics installation and has become a provider of direct contracting services to major players in the mining industry. Ya Batho also supplies fibre optic in- frastructure, leaky feeder communication systems, mediumfrequency radios andWi-Fi
existing mine infra- structure (such as power cables, wire
core lifelines, phone lines and conveyor structures) to transmit voice and tracking data to surface. To meet mines’ WiFi requirements, the company uses the MCOTECH range of products, including wireless access points, Android tablets and VoIP wireless handsets.
February 2018 • MechChem Africa ¦ 37
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