MechChem Africa January-February 2023

⎪ Water, wastewater and pumping solutions ⎪

Revamp for EC water treatment works The Blue Crane Route Municipality has appointed Bosch Projects as the consultant for the refurbishment of theWater Treatment Works (WTW) for the towns of Somerset East and Cookhouse in the Eastern Cape.

The existing Orange Fish WTW in Somerset East under refurbishment.

“A lthough water of acceptable quality is currently produced at the existing Orange Fish WTW in Somerset East and the Cookhouse WTW, urgent intervention is required to ensurewater quality continues to meet required standards,” says Rowan Bode, Project Manager: Gqeberha, Bosch Projects. “Themainobjectiveof thisR30-millionproject is to restore both plants back to a fully op erational state and improve the water quality delivered to local communities. “The Bosch Projects team conducted site investigations and has assisted the Municipality to acquire funding. These proj ects are extremely challenging as no as-built information is available and refurbishment activitiesmust beplanned toensure theplants remain fully operational during construction.” The scope of work on both plants entails refurbishment of the inlet works, settling tanks and gravel filters, refurbishment of air blowers and backwash pumps, renovation of chlorine rooms and the provision of a new fully automated chlorine dosing system. Bulk storage areas for chemical dosing will be renovated and new fully automated chemical dosing systems will be installed. The projects alsorequirecleaningandde-sludgingof sludge ponds, refurbishment of administrationbuild ings and installation of new security fencing. Electrical supplies at both WTWs will be

upgraded, including the provision of new transformers and the installation of back-up generators. TheOrangeFishWTWrequires refurbish ment of the high lift pump set and replace ment of approximately 350 m of the 200 mm diameter UPVC Class 16 rising main. A new access road to the WTW in Cookhouse will also be constructed. Refurbishment of the Orange-Fish WTW has commenced, with completion expected by the end of the year, while the three-year

Cookhouse WTW project is due for comple tion in mid-2025. Bosch Projects provides consulting engi neering and project management services to diverse sectors, including industrial andwater andwastewater plants, roads, urbandevelop ment and buildings, as well as ports and ter minals, and the sugar and agriculture sector solutions. Bosch Projects also designs and supplies a unique rangeof process production equipment to the global sugar industry.

The Blue Crane Route Municipality has appointed Bosch Projects as the consultant for the refurbishment of the Water Treatment Works (WTW) for the towns of Somerset East and Cookhouse in the Eastern Cape.

January-February 2023 • MechChem Africa ¦ 13

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