MechChem Africa January-February 2023

JoJo water solutions acquires Calcamite JoJo, as part of its evolution towards a complete water solutions company, has acquired Calcamite, a provider of practical, fit-for-purpose onsite wastewater and sanitation solutions. Grant Neser, CEO of JoJo Tanks explains why.

W ith government struggling to build and maintain waste water treatment plants to cope with the increase in the construction of housing and business estates, many companies and homeown ers are opting for onsite sanitation and domestic wastewater treatment. “South Africa’s recent water crises should make all South Africans reconsider: not only howwe desperately need to protect our sources of freshwater, but also howwe treat wastewa ter and reintroduce it to the environment,” says Grant Neser, CEO of JoJo Tanks. South Africa’s wastewater treatment systems are failing, with many in such a dire state that the Human Rights Council has called for government to declare the si tuat ion a ‘nat ional disaster ’. Earl ier this year, the Green Drop Report stated

that over 39% of wastewater treatment works – 334 out of 955 – are classified as ‘critical’. “Water and sanitation are intrinsically linked,” he says. “Without proper waste water management, the quality of water drops to levels across the water cycle, polluting it and making it unfit to be used for drinking and growing the food we eat. “ I t ’ s not just about the water that comes from your tap, but how the water you have used is reintroduced into the water cycle, which affects so many others. Just this year, the Department of Water put out a statement that some of the main sources of domestic and river pollution stemmed from municipal wastewater treatment works, sewer blockages, poor operations and maintenance, as well as pollution from mining operations.

The solution is to ensure the water put back in a municipal system, for example, is of the highest standard. That is why JoJo,

Calcamite is a company that provides turnkey practical, fit-for-purpose onsite wastewater and sanitation solutions.

14 ¦ MechChem Africa • January-February 2023

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