MechChem Africa January-February 2023
⎪ Water, wastewater and pumping solutions ⎪
ing in this environment. Many places do not have these ground conditions and as the septic tank only does an aerobic processing, there is a very real danger of polluting the ground water aquifers – such as the massive aquifers that run across Gauteng, supplying much of our municipal water. the septic tank, a bioreac tor, a settlement chamber and a disinfect ion tank. The Bio-mite range con sists of wastewater treat ment plants that process wastewater, which includes black and greywater, to a specified quality, typically for reuse in irrigation and other non-potable applications.” Calcamite products are quick to install and commission and can be ready for use within a few days. They can be configured to produce effluent of a speci fied quality and are easy to operate and maintain. They are also durable, with a design lifespan of around 30 years, and can ac commodate supply needs from four to 500 people. Because Calcamite products are “Our Bio-mite products are often compared to the price of a septic tank, but they are much more, they include
as part of its evolution to a complete water solutions company, acquired Calcamite, a company that provides practical, fit-for purpose onsite wastewater and sanitation solutions. “With government struggling to build and maintain wastewater treatment plants to cope with the increase in the construction of housing and
bus iness estates , many com panies and homeowners are opting for onsite sanitation and domest i c wastewater treatment,” Neser explains. “Like with water harvesting and solar, we bel ieve the demand for onsite sanitation and domest ic wastewater treatment wi l l continue to increase as users opt to take greater control of their own services. “Because wastewater man agement is pretty much invisible
– it is out of sight after it goes down the drain – it is also out of mind. We want to change that mindset.” Calcamite supplies a range of onsite wastewater and sani tat ion solut ions – wastewater treatment plants, septic tanks , conservancy tanks , greywater
priced products are targeted at individual households and the lower end of commer cial, industrial and agricultural industries. “A septic tank, for example, is a simple wastewater management solut ion. I t needs suitable ground conditions for the soakaway to allow partially treated water to seep into the soil for further process
solutions, sand, oil and grease traps, along with sophisti cated sewage ret iculat ion systems. Their competitively
primarily constructed from poly mer, they are water tight, robust and cost-effective “Calcamite, which has been a South African leader in on-site sanitation and wastewater solu tions since 1967, aims to ‘provide solutions that protect a precious, life-giving resource and further advance water security in order to help safeguard the wellbeing of individuals, their communities and the environment’,” says Neser. “Our count ry ’ s wastewater treatment works are not going to improve dramatically any time soon. Each of us has a duty to take control of how we manage waste water,” he concludes
Bio-mite products from Calcimite are much more than a septic tank. They include the septic tank, a bioreactor, a settlement chamber and a disinfection tank.
January-February 2023 • MechChem Africa ¦ 15
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