Modern Mining April 2021
in safe and efficient underground blasting
well as improvement/optimisation. Emulsions were researched and developed as a system in parallel with the delivery system and the end-user.” The early 2000’s saw significant investment in initiating systems as part of the safety initiative and driving more efficient blasting operations in mines. “The past 20 years,” says Botha, “however, took great strides in perfecting emulsion technology in conjunction with initiating systems as a value propo- sition throughout the complete value chain.” As part of its Underground Bulk Systems (UBS), AECI Mining Explosives offers a suite of latest gen- eration products and services for underground blasting operations, such as bulk explosives, packaged explosives, initiating systems, blasting accessories and delivery systems, among other state-of-the-art technologies that enable miners to be safer and more efficient. UBS provides better control of breaking condi- tions and includes downstream benefits such as uniformed fragmentation that improves processing of extracted ore. The complete system is under- pinned by AECI Mining Explosives’ underground bulk value proposition, which endeavours to work towards prolonging the longevity of underground mines through safety and well controlled energy distribution. Emulsions for effective blasting The emulsion technology endeavours to have no operator handle explosives during the loading/ charging process and the company accomplishes this by sensitising its emulsions as they exit the delivery system into the blast-hole. The sensitisa- tion process is completed inside the blast-hole and only at this point, the product is sensitive to stimuli. “Underground Bulk Emulsion products, explains Botha, “are not classified as an explosive and it offers a high level of security and control, which has not been possible with conventional systems.” AECI Mining Explosives’ emulsion formulations are continuously being evolved to suit modern min- ing methods. Each formulation is engineered to deliver differentiated blasting outcomes through adjustable energy. “The emulsion product range is developed with unique technology that enables cap sensitivity in the standard range and for it to stick in large diam- eter up-holes with the S-range. The ability to vary density and energy during operations is another addition in our commitment to promote effi- cient mining. All systems are developed taking into consideration the customer requirements and with safety as a key priority,” says Botha. The company offers three emulsion delivery
systems – bagged, hybrid and bulk. Applicable in conventional narrow reef mining at any depth, bagged emulsion is packaged in 25 kg polywo- ven bags (2 x 12,5 kg), taking into account human ergonomics. The packaging arrangement greatly improves stock control and mobility. Bagged emul- sion can be stored on surface and/or underground workings. When required, it is transported to under- ground workings in standard material cars. Although it is classified as a non-explosive, limited quanti- ties are allowed be stored adjacent to workings. Emulsion is delivered into blast-holes with AECI Mining Explosives’ portable charging units (PCU). Ideal for conventional or trackless mining at any depth, bulk emulsion is del ivered to the surface silo(s).
AECI Mining’s Emulsion Vertical Drop System has the potential to significantly streamline shaft delivery times and tramming schedules.
The company’s experience in underground mining has enabled it to perfect robust electronic initiation solutions with superior blasting performance.
April 2021 MODERN MINING 11
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