Modern Mining April 2021
The Vertical Drop is a bulk emulsion delivery system where emulsion is transferred from surface through a borehole system into the underground workings. The infrastructure involves a sophisti- cated system to safely transfer product from surface directly to underground storage facilities. Storage facilities typically include silos, which are digitally regulated from a central vantage point. Emulsion technology eliminates the constraints of explosive deliveries imposed by legislation. “Our Emulsion Vertical Drop System has the potential to significantly streamline shaft delivery times and tramming schedules. The fact that storage facilities are in close proximity to the underground production areas, dramatically improves efficiencies by reducing travelling and turnaround time. The main objective of this innovation is to enable miners with better management of explosives and simplify com- pliance to the regulations,” explains Botha. Industry leading initiating systems The company’s experience in underground mining has enabled it to perfect robust electronic initiation solutions with superior blasting performance, com- plementing the Zero Harm philosophy, with safety inherent in the system design. “Our initiating systems and components are highly adaptable, designed with the user in mind and are available as ‘Standard’ and/or ‘Made-To-Order,” explains Botha. “The suite of initiating systems associated with underground emulsions includes nonelectric in different delays and lengths (shock tube) and electronic detonators, as well as a com- prehensive range of boosters, detonating cords and starters.” AECI Mining Explosives offers its customers in underground mining a full range of non-electric shock tube initiating products to use in conjunction with underground emulsions. Key benefits include the ability to be easily identified in dark environ- ments to enhance safety, as well as quick and simple connection, saving time and labour. Meanwhile, the BlastWeb electronic initiation system is designed for underground environments where there is a requirement for ease-of-use, limited user interaction and centralised blasting. The system is capable of initiating specific electronic detonators or to initiate underground shock tube. In conclusion, Botha says full coupling and water resistant properties of the UBS system in conjunction with energetic formulations delivers superior blast outcomes. “These improved blast outcomes inevita- bly enhance overall mining efficiency e.g. improved mine-call-factor, improved advance per blast etc., leading to reduced operational cost. AECI Mining Explosives’ commitment to customer operations is reflected in the global deployment of its dedicated team of experts who provide support anywhere, anytime,” concludes Botha.
Mobile charging units (MCUs) are either filled from these silos on surface or alternatively, emulsion cas- settes are deployed for filling MCUs underground. Cassettes are rotated and re-filled from surface silos as dictated by production demand. Reaching new depths When it comes to hybrid, underground mines, up to a certain depth, have the option of bulk emulsion deliv- eries by means of AECI Mining’s Emulsion Vertical Drop System. The Vertical Drop can be conducted from surface or from a dedicated underground dis- tribution point to a centralised storage area where MCU’s are refilled. AECI Mining Explosives employs a range of deliv- ery systems in both narrow reef and trackless mining operations to afford users a flexible logistical solution for their explosives requirements. This is supported by the company’s ability to drop its emulsions 1 000 m deep through the Emulsion Vertical Drop system to ease the mine’s transportation logistics.
AECI MIning Explorives is at the forefront of safe and effective blasting operations across the world.
Key takeaways AECI Mining Explosives has significant experience and a long history in underground mining and has over the years continued to refine its offering to stay aligned with market requirements As part of its Underground Bulk Systems, AECI Mining Explosives offers a suite of latest generation products and services for underground blasting operations AECI Mining Explosives’ emulsion formulations are continuously being evolved to suit modern mining methods The company’s experience in underground mining has enabled it to perfect robust electronic initiation solutions with superior blasting perfor- mance, complementing the Zero Harm philosophy, with safety inherent in the system design
12 MODERN MINING April 2021
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