Modern Mining January 2024


VUP delivers first production, targets project completion by 2028 At a time when several major open-cast mines are transitioning from open-cast to under ground, De Beer’s poster child, the Venetia Underground Project (VUP) – in the Limpopo Prov ince – which on 30 th June achieved a major milestone with its first blast, will in many ways offer a blue-print as a modern mechanised underground mining operation implementing initiatives to meet its decarbonisation agenda, Kobus van den Berg, General Manager Under ground Production at De Beers Venetia Mine, tells Modern Mining in an exclusive interview.

Kobus van den Berg, General Manager Underground Production at De Beers Venetia Mine.

A part from its contribution to the global econ omy in the form of its precious stones, the VUP enhances the country’s coffers with its tax contributions and promotes the agenda for a cleaner environment through decarbonisation. While the $2bn dollar outlay to develop VUP is a major investment on its own, the mine’s drive to implement the latest technology and meet the high est levels of safety is not the only reason this project has been chosen as a top project. Its contribution to the local economy in the Limpopo Province sets it apart as a project making a significant impact on the lives of the local community. “Successful mining operations are built on strong relationships with local communities. The Venetia Underground Mine has prioritised commu nity engagement through ongoing communication, consultation, and collaboration. Community engage ment programmes, social initiatives, and economic development projects are sustained to create a positive and lasting impact on the region. The mine’s initiatives focus on socio-economic development, education, healthcare, and infrastructure upgrades, ensuring the benefits of mining extend beyond the operational footprint,” says Van den Berg. VUP employs 4 300 people, from the De Beers stable and its contracting business partners, with the

Moses Madondo, Managing Director of De Beers Group Managed Operations, congratulates the Venetia Underground Project production crew on a successful first blast. majority of employees sourced from the local com munities of the Messina and Blouberg districts in the Limpopo Province. “We are committed to making a positive impact on the lives of our host communities, and have launched the Building Forever Sustainability Strategy, comprising 12 goals that focus on leaving a lasting legacy, one of which includes establish ing the means to ensure that host communities thrive. We have also partnered with the International Youth Foundation to ensure that graduates from TVET (Technical Vocational Education and Training Colleges) are equipped with the right skills sets for available jobs. De Beers has rolled out the pro gramme to benefit 12 000 students and lecturers in the Limpopo Province. In fact, through digitisation, it has been possible to extend the programme to all 50 TVET colleges across the country, which I believe is a significant milestone in itself. Moreover, for com munities to thrive it is essential that they have access to necessities such as water and healthcare, and we have been working with many villages surrounding our operations to provide infrastructure related to access to water closer to the communities. We also sponsor various sporting codes as this promotes a healthy lifestyle for communities.”

Kobus van den Berg, General Manager Underground Production at De Beers Venetia Mine, provides an update on the Top Of Mine development progress.

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34  MODERN MINING  January 2024

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