Modern Mining January 2024

Project development Infrastructure development at VUP is ~72% complete with the miner on-target for production ramp-up and project completion by 2028. To date, the miner, which initiated its first blast at the end of June, is in the early stages of production. “We achieved a highly anticipated milestone of first production on Friday, 30 June. This monumental event marked a new chapter in the history of dia mond mining at the Venetia Mine, showcasing the dedication, innovation, and collaborative efforts of all involved. The investment in taking the world class Venetia Mine underground enhances De Beers Group’s global production for the long-term and is an indication of our commitment to South Africa. Our incredible team of employees and business partners pulled together fantastically to achieve this major milestone of first production from the underground operation,” says Van den Berg. The miner is busy with ramping-up from cur rent production of roughly 12 000 tons achieved in October to just under 2 million tonnes in the next two years. The mine is expected to produce up to 5.9 million tonnes of kimberlite ore annually, to be used in the extraction of nearly 4.5 million carats of diamonds per year. VUP will be an automated operation that will use latest technological advancements to optimise production and improve safety, while unlocking sig nificant cost savings. “We are also busy developing our second ore body, K02, from which we will start production in 2026. Production is currently focused at the Top of Mine (TOM), which is located between 450 m– 500 m below surface from 46 Level to 54 Level,” says van den Berg, who explains that the main infra structure is located 900 m to 1000 m below surface. Remaining infrastructure development yet to be completed includes the installation of water manage ment systems, such as pump stations on 56L to cater for excess water during the rainy seasons, as well as the construction of a primary crusher on 54L. Further to this, shaft deepening on the service shaft, which is currently at roughly 1000 metres, will be deepened by 60 metres followed by the

equipping of the service shaft. “Roughly 30% of infrastructure development still needs to be completed – this is earmarked for com pletion by 2027/2028.” VUP – a modern operation implementing latest technologies According to Van den Berg, the objective for Venetia Underground Mine (VUG) is to have a number of autonomous mining systems performing multiple mining processes by 2027. “Our primary technology partner is Sandvik Mining and Rock Solutions, which manufactures a full range of ‘intelligent’ mining machines that can operate independently underground within access controlled safety zones or be remotely operated from control rooms on surface. The implementation of automation at the VUG will be carefully phased in on an incremental basis, starting with automated machines (which still require an on-board opera tor although many functions are automated). This will be followed by the introduction of autonomous machines, which do not require an onboard opera tor as they are equipped with automated machine navigation and tramming and can perform – while stationary in one location – most sets of routine functions without operator input required during the cycle. The final phase of implementation will see the ushering in of full autonomous mining systems,” says Van den Berg. Autonomous mining not only creates a safer and

Above: Ventia Underground Project employee uses simulation machines at the Skills Development Centre. Left: Venetia Underground Project employees in the control room witnessing the first production blast.

Skills development programme graduates (construction) at De Beers Venetia Mine.

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January 2024  MODERN MINING  35

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