Modern Quarrying Q3 2018
through improved environmental conditions across the site, but also through innovative oil storage, suc- cessful management of the interface between the operation and the adjacent river, to name a few. Midmar Crushers, another big winner this year, scooped the Top Independent Performer (Spear Large) award, making it the third year running the company has taken home the gong. “Midmar Crushers has continued to demon- strate onsite management excel- lence and innovation, including through employee environmental training, which is demonstrated by a high degree of environmental awareness among the company’s employees,” says Cluett. The Top Performer Runner Up award was jointly awarded to AfriSam Newcastle and Lafarge Holcim Nelspruit. The two operations scored 99,39% in their About Face audits. Speaking about AfriSam Newcastle, Marius says that the operation not only has the best physical conditions, but this year its system documentation has improved, pushing the quarry into this category for the first time. “Lafarge Holcim Nelspruit has been recognised for its onsite conditions and innovation across the operation, including efficient surface water management and re-use, waste handling, energy efficiency and participation in neigh- bouring communities’ activities,” explains Cluett. The Top Performer (Spear Large) award went to Afrimat Harrismith, with the highest ever score of 99,7%. Despite being a small quarry, the system documentation is said to be of the highest order, with physical innovations noted across the site including stormwater management, dust control, hydro- carbon management and employee commitment to environmental stewardship. “Aspasa is delighted with the 2017 awards. Despite the tough times, health & safety and environmental issues remain top priority for oper- ations. There has been a significant improvement across the industry. This is indicated by the high number of Showplace awards and indicates that the industry is dedicated to continual performance improvement,” concludes Pienaar. l
Nico Pienaar, director of Aspasa, declares that the health and safety performances of Aspasa members compare to those of any other premium miner in South Africa.
Brownwyn Moore, quarry manager at Midmar Crushers (right), receives an award from Marius van Deventer, independent auditor, ISHE Audits at Aspasa.
operations in the Freestate and both his operations achieved Showplace Status with scores of 95,79% and 95,33%. The two scores were also the top achieved within the Afrimat,” says Van Deventer. Environmental excellence The environmental stewardship of Aspasa member quarries across South Africa has improved signifi- cantly since the inception of the association’s About Face pro- gramme in 1994. The About Face programme has guided and aided most members to elevate themselves from medi- ocre environmental performances to being among the best quarry operators in the world. “The Aspasa About Face auditors observe service providers across all provinces and believe that where recognition is due should be given,” says Pienaar. To this end, the Top Performing Group for four or more operations (Crystal Glass Spear large) gong was awarded to LafargeHolcim. The company attained an average Salva Govinden (right), quarry team leader at AfriSam Newcastle, receiving one of the several awards scooped by AfriSam Newcastle.
Anton Marnewick of Afrimat Freestate (right) was awarded the Best Operations Manager for 2017.
score of 97,5% across its 18 opera- tions. The Most Improved Operation (Crystal Glass Teardrop) award went to Raumix Kimberly. The operation improved its score from the previous year by 17,55%. “This reflects not only significant improvements in the physical conditions, but also the paperwork, demonstrating the effectiveness of the system docu- mentation developed by manager, Andre Scholtz,” explains Alan Cluett, Independent About Face Environmental auditor. AfriSam Newcastle won the Best Physical Conditions (Crystal Glass Spear Small) award, winning this particular award for the third con- secutive year. “This is an industry leading plant both in South Africa and anywhere in the world. We are extremely proud to have this oper- ation in the Aspasa family,” says Pienaar. The Top Performing Independent Quarry Runner Up award went to BluRock Crushers. Continued envi- ronmental performance at BluRock has manifested itself, not only
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