Sparks Electrical News July 2015

people on the move 24

Bright Spark

JB Switchgear

EES Africa


Atlas Group

Editor: Erika van Zyl Advertising: Carin Hannay Production & layout: Colin Mazibuko Consultant: Ian Jandrell PrEng, BSc(Eng), GDE, PhD, FSAIEE, MIEEE Director: Jenny Warwick Publisher: Karen Grant ENERGY EFFICIENCY Energy management, loadmanagement, load shedding, load control devices, meters, transducers, lamps, lighting control, timers, water heating, time-of-use tariffs, power fac- tor correction, relays, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, control gear, alternative energy. Panel building, gauges, displays, main-tenance, protection, protection relays, starters, drives, motor types, sizing, starting, stopping, refurbishment, controlling, enclosures, switches, pushbuttons, LEDs, digital displays, relays, timers, temperature controls, process, buildingmanagement, insulation testing, vibrationmonitoring, maintenance, flameproof equipment. MOTOR CONTROL CENTRES AND MOTOR PROTECTION Long distance travel Harry Hoppit was setting out for roughly the opposite point on the globe to London, so it made no difference in which direction he set out – he would have travel halfway round the earth to get there. In fact, the points exactly opposite London on the earth is in the sea, so it is reason- able to suppose that he was flying to somewhere in South Island, New Zealand. AUGUST FEATURES Amatch puzzle The Volley and SmashemTennis Club was holding its annual knockout tournament. The organisers were planning to have exactly 32 entrants, which would mean 16 players reaching the second round, eight getting into the quarter finals, four making the semi-finals and two reaching the final, just likeWimbledon. Unfortunately, the club president's two nieces and the secretary's brother turned up at the last moment and had to be accommodated. "Thirty- five players. How awkward," said the gentleman planning the draw. "There will have to be some byes into the second round, and into the third round. I wonder howmany matches will have to be played now, if we play as fewmatches as pos- sible?" Can you help him? June solution

David Hoff , human capital & development manager, head office.

MarilieVoogt , computer assisted drawing.

TshepisoMojatladi , occupational health officer, head office.

Rob Anderson Executive director on the board, EES Africa.

Yvonne van derWesthuizen , senior sales representative.

Published monthly by: Crown Publications cc P O Box 140

Bedfordview, 2008 Tel: (011) 622-4770 Fax: (011) 615-6108

e-mail: Website: Printed by: Tandym Print

The views expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the editor or the publisher .

This publication is distributed to electrical contractors, wholesalers, distributors, OEMs, panel builders, Eskom, mining electricians and consulting engineers (electrical) as well as libraries, members of IESSA and public utilities.

Sold 50, free 6 790, total 6 840 per month.

july 2015



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