Sparks Electrical News March 2018
W ell identified wires, cables and compo- nents give you an immediate insight into how an electrical panel works and how it is connected. Electrical panels can now be identified more efficiently with the new BSP41Wire & Panel Identification Printer. Identify every terminal block The new BSP41 Wire & Panel Identification Printer can print on rigid identification tags for all major electrical panel terminal block and component
and components originate from various brands. Durable tags for a wide range of applications Rigid tags compatible with the terminal blocks and panel components from major brands are directly available from Brady. The BSP41 also prints other durable, rigid tags to cover a great number of other identification needs for panel builders, electrical contractors, installers, machine builders and auto- motive, rail vehicle and ship constructors. All rigid tags are compliant with UL94V0 flammability, and
brands. With BSP41, panel builders no longer need a rigid tag printer per brand they are using. Brady Corporation offers a list of terminal block brands that have been tested for compatibility with the new BSP41. Identify your panel completely The BSP41 can also identify other elements in an electrical panel, including push buttons, nameplates and cables. With BSP41, almost any electrical panel can be identified completely, even if terminal blocks
DIN/VDE 0472, part 815 halogen free.
battery capacity decreases below a certain limit, the motor automatically stops and a solid red light reminds you to replace the battery. There is one warning lamp for each individual battery. All of the Twin Battery models are compatible with the Makita LXT 18 V 6.0 Ah (55 min), 5.0 Ah (45 min.), 4.0 Ah (36 min.) and 3.0 Ah (22 min.) batteries. The time in brackets denotes the amount of time required to recharge each bat- tery. There are single and dual bat- tery chargers available, as well as an automotive charger (where recharge time is, for obvious reasons, longer than the times stated above). The 18 V tool range, whether it’s a twin or single battery model, utilises the same 18 V LXT battery and charger platform. All batteries and the charg- er are sold separately, as well as ac- cessories unless otherwise stated. Using twin battery cordless tech- nology is a simple and effective way to ensure productivity without com- promising on performance, when a power source isn’t available.
bling lower amperage for reduced heat production and greatly reduced maintenance costs. Makita’s brush- less motor models are stronger, lighter, smaller, smarter and more durable than ever before. Makita 18 V Twin Battery cordless tools, including the new 230 mm an- gle grinder, plunge cut saw as well as a circular saw, a mitre saw and a host of models that cater for the outdoor care market. The model that should generate the most interest in the electrical industry is the DHR263ZK Rotary Hammer. The DHR263ZK Rotary Hammer has a three-mode operation utilising a SDS plus one touch slide chuck – rotation only, rotation plus hammer- ing and hammering only – ensuring easy operation and handling. The built-in LED light with pre-glow and afterglow functions illuminates the workspace for greater accuracy in poor light conditions. Measuring 350 mm in length, the DHR263ZK has a 26 mm capac- ity in concrete, 13 mm in steel and 32 mm in wood. It features a no load speed of 0 – 1200 r/min and delivers 0 – 4800 blows per minute.
MAKITA is a well known global brand in over 40 countries and is an inno- vation leader, providing quality and durable products that are used and trusted by professionals on jobsites throughout the world everyday. Makita’s Lithium-Ion cordless technology has taken the local mar- ket by storm over the past number of years. Makita has produced one of the world’s largest ranges of 18 V power tools, and through its con- tinuous research and development is constantly producing innovative new and exciting tools to enhance its range. Makita’s latest offering is the twin battery tools powered by two 18 V LXT batteries, installed in se- ries to supply energy to the power- ful 36 V dc motor drive system. The tools offer great versatility, as they utilise an existing 18 V battery and charger system. Not only do these tools compete head-to-head with their corded counterparts but they are also a significantly more afford- able option than having to purchase a 36 V tool and batteries. Our South African range of both the twin 18 V LXT battery cordless and single 18 V LXT cordless tools is constantly expanding with Makita models that best fit our local market. A number of these tools include the Makita brushless (BL) motor that provides the user with more efficient energy consumption, due to the fact that there is little or no friction, ena-
It is equipped with XPT (Ex- treme Protection Technol- ogy) and is supplied in a carry case. Operator comfort and more control during op- eration have not been over- looked. An ergonomically designed vibration-absorb- ing handle with sure grip reduces the magnitude of vibration and hand fatigue. When the remaining
innovative test equipment to fit your needs. Moreover, all Beha- Amprobe tools undergo rigorous testing to ensure high quality and safety, for the benefit of the cus- tomers. Through its extensive deal- ers’ network, Waco Industries will distribute and support Beha- Amprobe products which already represent, in Europe and North America, the most cost-effective solution for installation testers, appliance testers (PAT), voltage detectors and continuity testers, digital multimeters, clamp meters, thermometers and many other testing tools.
WACO leading distributor of industrial electri- cal products and accessories in Southern Africa, is proud to an- nounce its newest partnership with Beha-Amprobe, manufactur- er of great quality testing tools for electricians. With a combined experience of over 100 years, well-known Ger- man brand Beha and US-based Amprobe have a track record to be proud of. Exactly 70 years ago in 1948, Amprobe invented the very first clamp meter and inno- vation has not stopped since then. Whether you need testing tools for industrial, commercial or residen- tial – electrical and HVAC – ap- plications, Beha-Amprobe offer INDUSTRIES,
MARCH 2018
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