Sparks Electrical News March 2018
improve visual comfort for motorists, cyclists and pedestrians. ELLEGA: The Ellega, with its simple yet elegant linear design, provides a versatile range for various types of urban landscapes. It is available in a single or double configura- tion at various heights. The win- ning combination of performance, design and flexibility enables the Ellega range to illuminate streets, residential areas, parks, and bicycle and pedestrian paths with a better quality of light, to generate energy savings and to reduce the ecologi- cal footprint with a perfect aesthetic integration into the environment. ILUMup: The ILUMup is a versatile in- ground recessed LED uplight made for scenic lighting applications. It of- fers a wide range of photometric dis- tributions for all types of illumination,
outdoor mining areas, oil and gas refiner- ies, food and beverage plants, manufactur- ing process plants and any application that requires a low power and robust luminaire. The uniquely designed optional OPTILINK plug-in system simplifies the installation process significantly, especially for under- ground mining applications. In addition to its newly launched products, the company has revamped its best-selling BEKASTAR and BEKARAY post top luminaires, which are now available in an LED version. Upgrades of existing installations is possible with the LED retrofit kit. Africa’s leading manufacturer of luminaires, BEKA Schréder, is proud to offer an ever- expanding range of high quality LED luminaires. The company locally develops and manufactures LED lighting products, designed and suitable for local conditions.
such as lighting façades, highlighting architec- tural details and uplighting trees. SERIES 300: The SERIES 300 with its mod- ern and simple design allows this decorative LED bulkhead to blend into any areas by day, and to make an impact when it is dark. The SERIES 300 with its halo lighting effect is the ideal solution for beautifying buildings and to provide area lighting for commercial develop- ments, retail areas, shopping malls and public buildings. OPTIWAY: OPTIWAY is one of Beka Schréder's most versatile and reliable industrial lu- minaires. It is a small, highly versatile and robust low-power LED bulkhead. It can be mounted on any structure, is highly robust and offers a high photometric performance. The OPTIWAY utilises the latest LED tech- nology and an optical distribution that suits most lighting applications. The OPTIWAY is suitable for use in various industrial environ- ments, which include underground haulage,
on investment in road and area lighting. LEDlume-mini XP: The latest addi- tion to its LEDlume street light range, the LEDlume-mini XP is a high- quality, energy-efficient, versatile and sustainable high-performance LED street light. KAZELLE: The new LED post top is characterised by its minimalistic and modern look. The Kazelle is designed around the compactness of the LED engine, blending into landscapes. At the same time, sustainable lighting solutions are provided that dramati- cally reduce energy consumption and
BEKA SCHRÉDER has recently an- nounced its launch of a variety of new and exciting high-quality LED luminaires, which have been de- signed and manufactured in South Africa. The latest additions to its product range include: ZIYA: An economical, energy- efficient LED street light, the Ziya delivers the highest efficacy for road and outdoor area lighting at an affordable price. It is compact yet powerful, light yet robust, affordable yet highly efficient. The ZIYA provides the fastest return
Credit: Dylan Harbour A trio of vested parties in urban and smart lighting discussions have come to- gether to launch a joint research project titled 'Pathways to Mu- nicipal Smart Lighting'. The stake- holders are The London School of Economics’ Configuring Light research group; LUCI (Lighting Ur- ban Community International), the international network of cities on urban lighting; and global lighting manufacturer Osram, a supporting associated member of LUCI. Ac- cording to the release, the study, “…aims to show how municipali- ties worldwide understand intel- ligent lighting, how the topic fits into visions and plans for the ur- ban future of towns and cities, and how smart lighting can be realised within the framework of specific public policies.” While smart technology discus- sions have been a primary topic on the global stage for several years, it is only in the past few years that it has become a main discussion point for the lighting industry, as it seeks to understand the trans- formation and evolution of digital lighting platforms. However, the industry has yet to establish a uni- fied understanding of what 'smart' lighting means or represents. This, coupled with the differences in pri-
vate and public sector entities’ un- derstanding of the implementation of 'smart' lighting solutions at the municipal level, reveals an ever- growing need for such a study. Through a global city survey and a case study format of five select- ed cities, 'Pathways to Municipal Smart Lighting,' will examine the efforts of municipalities worldwide to implement smart lighting strate- gies. According to the release, the study “… will clarify the motives, objectives and expectations driv- ing the demand for smart lighting, compare challenges and opportu- nities for cities worldwide, and pro- vide information on which strategic routes municipalities will follow in the future with their intelligent lighting. Dr Don Slater, co-founder of the Configuring Light research group and Associate Professor (Reader) in Sociology at LSE, leads the project. This past November, LUCI and the LSE Configuring Light research group signed a Memorandum of Understanding “…to work together to move lighting up the social and political agenda as a central aspect of urban life and well-being.” 'Path- ways to Municipal Smart Lighting,' is scheduled to be presented later this year at the LUCI Annual Gen- eral Meeting in November 2018.
MARCH 2018
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