Sparks Electrical News November 2015
people on the move 28
Bright Spark
BEKA Schréder
A riddle party
"Ooh, this is creepy!" said Cathy, reading out loud. "The man whomade it did not want it, the man who bought it did not use it and the man who used it never saw it. What is it?" "Here's another," said Barry.
Ann Petzer , national CETA coordinator.
Johan van Graan , technical trainer, The Drive Academy.
FloreneMabena , regional office administrator and executive secretary, national marketing committee.
Zinhle Ramashala , national executive assistant.
Kingsley Segoane , technical sales representative, Pretoria branch.
A hairy situation Uncle Jack knew that the number of hairs on a human head is at most about 200 000, while the total population of the world is more than 5 000 000 000. Therefore on average, you can expect about 25 000 other people to have the same number of hairs on their heads as on yours. The chance that no-one has the same number is so small as to be insignificant which is why Uncle Jack was smiling to himself even though he had never counted the hairs on Gary's head. "What belongs to you, which you would never want to get rid of, but which other people use far more than you do?" asked Peter, joining in. "I know that one!" said Linda. "What is broken as soon as you name it?" "What animal eats the least?" asked Garry. "What will grow if you feed it, but dies if you give it water?" "The more you take, the more you leave behind. What are they?" Can you say? "You can only holdme for seconds, sometimes you lose me, and yet I am with you all your life. What am I?"
Power tools, hand tools, tool storage, scaffolding, test and measuring instru- ments/tools and accessories (DMMs, im- pedance testers, etc.) measuring supply quality, tool calibration, bakkies, trailers, protective clothing standards.
Editor: Erika van Zyl Advertising: Carin Hannay Production & layout: Colin Mazibuko Consultant: Ian Jandrell PrEng, BSc(Eng), GDE, PhD, FSAIEE, MIEEE Director: Jenny Warwick Publisher: Karen Grant Enclosures, earth leakage devices, cir- cuit breakers, fuses, surge and lightning protection, metering switches, dimmers, sockets, disconnectors, Certificate of Compliance, testing and measuring in- struments, tools and accessories, cabling glands, flameproof.
Published monthly by: Crown Publications cc P O Box 140
Bedfordview, 2008 Tel: (011) 622-4770 Fax: (011) 615-6108
e-mail: Website: Printed by: Tandym Print
The views expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the editor or the publisher .
This publication is distributed to electrical contractors, wholesalers, distributors, OEMs, panel builders, Eskom, mining electricians and consulting engineers (electrical) as well as libraries, members of IESSA and public utilities.
Total 6 779 per month.
november 2015
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