Sparks Electrical News October 2015
people on the move 28
Bright Spark
WPI Power Solutions
A hairy situation
Uncle Jack was going bald. One day, Mary, who was not known for her politeness, remarked to him, "I don't suppose that there is anyone in the world who has as few hairs as you do!" "Don't be silly!" said her brother Gary. "The less hair you have, the more likely it is that someone else has the same number. If you were completely bald, you would have the same number of hairs on you head as millions of other completely bald people. But I bet there isn't anyone with the same number of hair on their head as I have," and he shook his thick hair from side to side. "On the contrary," said uncle Jack. "It is quite certain that there are many people in the world with the same number of hairs on their heads as you have!" "You can't know that" said Gary, "because you haven't counted the enomous number on my head!" Unce Jack smiled Why was uncle Jack so confident?
SongezoMfeya , business unit
AnnemieWillers , lubrication consultant, LubriGard division.
SalishaDhanasar , laboratory supervisor, Middelburg.
Marius Lombard , regional business unit
Lea Bodenstein , diagnostician, Middelburg.
Loshini Govender , manager – speciality laboratory, Johannesburg.
NeelsVisser , business unit manager, Carletonville.
manager, Witbank.
manager, Witbank.
September solution
The two desperadoes
Jake was grinning because he had switched the white ball for another black one, so Guts was bound to draw a black ball and die. But if the boss agreed to Jake showing the second ball – which was bound to be black - Jake would be in trouble as his trick was discovered!
Editor: Erika van Zyl Advertising: Carin Hannay Production & layout: Colin Mazibuko Consultant: Ian Jandrell PrEng, BSc(Eng), GDE, PhD, FSAIEE, MIEEE Director: Jenny Warwick Publisher: Karen Grant STANDBYANDEMERGENCY POWER Stand-alone generator sets, batteries, un- interruptible power supplies, maintenance powerline filtering and testing, emergency wiring and lighting, supplies for computer rooms, hospital supplies, process equipment CABLES ANDCABLE ACCESSORIES Regular topics such as cables, cable ac- cessories, cable management systems, cable sizing, skirting, trunking, conduit, cable trays, cable marking and labelling, cable jointing techniques, wire sizing, fault finding, hazardous areas, flameproof, cable terminations, glands, cable installations and trenching will be included.
Published monthly by: Crown Publications cc P O Box 140
Bedfordview, 2008 Tel: (011) 622-4770 Fax: (011) 615-6108
e-mail: Website: Printed by: Tandym Print
The views expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the editor or the publisher .
This publication is distributed to electrical contractors, wholesalers, distributors, OEMs, panel builders, Eskom, mining electricians and consulting engineers (electrical) as well as libraries, members of IESSA and public utilities.
Total 6 779 per month.
october 2015
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