Capital Equipment News October 2016
For informed decision-making OCTOBER 2016
EXCAVATORS: Jewels in the crown TRANSPORT: Jack of all trades EARTHMOVING EQUIPMENT: When bigger is better
Lowest Total Cost of Ownership
GLOBETROTTING 38 Volvo CE to supply Terex Trucks in Korea AGRICULTURE 40 World’s most powerful standard tractor rolls off production line CONTENTS Capital Equipment News is published monthly by Crown Publications cc Editor: Munesu Shoko Advertising manager: Claudia Bertschy Design: Anoonashe Shumba Publisher: Karen Grant Deputy Publisher: Wilhelm du Plessis Circulation: Karen Smith REGULARS
MINING NEWS 6 Mining contractor expands Terex Trucks fleet 7 DCD and Southwest give standalone muscle to Gravico MATERIALS HANDLING 8 Johnson Crane Hire makes light work of tough heavy lift 9 Potain prevails over Village Walk ELECTRA MINING REVIEW 10 Metso shows complete range of wear and spare parts 11 Eaton showcases turnkey solutions at Electra Mining CONSTRUCTION 14 Caterpillar invests $1 billion to boost African footprint and skills 15 Cloete Sand and Stone hauls into digital era TRANSPORT & LOGISTICS 36 Daimler showcases digitalisation and e-mobility solutions at IAA 37 100 th truck sale for FAW Harrismith
PO Box 140 Bedfordview 2008
Tel: (011) 622-4770 Fax: (011) 615-6108 Printed by Tandym Cape The views expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the editor or the publisher.
COVER 4 THE GOSCOR LIFT TRUCK PROMISE EXCAVATORS 20 Jewels in the crown TRANSPORT 24 Jack of all trades EARTHMOVING EQUIPMENT 28 When bigger is better TECHNOLOGY 32 Machines of the future PROFILE 34 Breathing new life into hearts of machines
Total circulation Q2 2016: 3 665
I recently had the pleasure of witnessing the stridesVolvoConstructionEquipment has made as far as electromobility and automation are concerned. Its prototype innovations, dubbed ‘machines of the future’, are technological advancements which, for me, are a clear sign that the future may not be so far away after all, if it’s not already here. One thing to drive home from this whole experience was that times are changing, im- pacting on how equipment works, and will work, on sites. While there are still echoes of trepidation in some quarters of the con- struction equipment industry whenever elec- tromobility and automation are mentioned, the fact is that everything else is changing, and you can only fight technological change at your own peril. Change is dramatic; the rate of change in the world calls for innovation to keep pace with it. The world in 2025 will change, and we really need to change with it. For exam- ple, by 2025, 30% of corporate audits will be performed by Artificial Intelligence. By 2025, the first 3D-printed liver transplant will have taken place, while 10% of cars on US roads will be driverless. By this time, a 3D-printed car will be in production, while 90% of the global population will be using smartphones. So, to understand the role technology will play in every aspect of people’s lives, there is need for a complete paradigm shift. As times change in all other aspects of life, why not in construction equipment? It is just kind of an open mindset that we embrace these rapid advances in technology as they will take the industry to the ‘promised land’, where safer, cleaner and more efficient working will be the order of the day on sites. Innovation is not a ‘nice-to-have’, it is
a fundamental part of the future of every business. As jobs in the quarries and on the construction sites of the future are likely to be different, technological advances such as improved human-machine interface, auton- omous operation, machine-to-machine con- nectivity or alternative power systems, are already shaping up for the future. Research in the fields of automation has vindicated the school of thought that repetitive processes on sites, such as load and haul, are the low hanging fruits as far as automating process- es is concerned. Automation makes sense for all foreseeable situations, and it is encour- aging that research also shows that 80% of the processes on sites fall into this category. As you will see in the Technology feature (Page 32), Volvo CE is pushing boundaries of engineering, automation and electrification with its range of prototype innovations. The innovations in question comprise the LX1, a prototype wheel loader said to have the potential to improve fuel efficiency by up to 50%; a prototype autonomous wheel loader and articulated hauler working together; as well as an electric site solution that show- cases the new concept HX1, an autonomous, battery-electric and cab-less load carrier. But, jut just how long will it take before these machines become part of the day-to- day operations on global sites? Although this technology may be years away from – or may never enter – production, it will undoubtedly influence the OEM’s future offerings. We are already starting to see systems that are less dependent on operator skills, ones that support operators with guidance or con- trol primary functions. In the near future, we will definitely see increased machine autono- my and the operator will act more in a super- visory role. b
Munesu Shoko – Editor
Experience the Progress.
Liebherr-Africa (Pty.) Limited Vlakfontein Road, Springs 1559 Phone: +27 11 365 2000 E-mail:
The Goscor Lift Truck PROMISE
In an age where competition is fierce and the overall quality of products and the knowledge of those who are selling them has improved drastically, it’s the companies that do everything just
that little bit better that enjoy the greatest success and Goscor Lift Truck Company (GLTC) , the fastest growing material handling equipment (MHE)
supplier over the past 10 years in Southern Africa, is one such organisation.
The GLTC basic promise is to provide a world class PRODUCT supported by a world class SERVICE in order to ensure the lowest total cost of ownership for its customers over the lifetime of the product.
The GLTC promise is not a complicated one but fulfilling it takes commitment, passion and hard work. “The main reason for our success is that we have taken the multitude of parts that comprise the whole promise and we have made sure that they are working in unison and to their highest potential. Sales,
technical services and support, finance, parts, switchboard, management must be the best they possibly can be in their own right, but they must work together as one team to make our customer experience extraordinary,” says Darryl Shafto GLTC MD.
GLTC’s products are world leaders but without the highest levels of support that would mean nothing. In order to give its customers the service they deserve, the emphasis on excellent internal communication and strong inter-departmental relationships has permeated the entire company.
Workshop At the heart of the service promise is the GLTC workshop concept, which is one of the most advanced for forklifts in Southern Africa. It contains an integrated IT system which handles accounting, stock control, contract management, equipment management and cost tracking and parts. Most importantly, the ratio of maintenance contracts to technicians, the best trained in the industry, is 42:1 when the industry norm is about 70:1. Parts Department A critical aspect to the service equation, GLTC’s parts department holds 10 000 part lines to the value of approxi- mately R14 million. Its stock holding and rotation is managed by the ‘Autoline’ ERP system and GLTC currently achieves a
90% first pick on parts with a ‘robbing’ system for parts that are not in stock. Parts are ordered in container loads in order to reduce costs and, if an emergency arises, parts are airfreighted and delivered in 3-5 days from order. Mobile Service GLTC also boasts a ‘mobile parts and service’ facility, where specialised vehicles deliver parts and service 24/7 to maintenance contract customers. This has made a significant difference to Goscor customers whose primary requirement is to have the right parts and or service delivered as quickly as possible when needed.
Johannesburg (Head Office) Tel: +27 11 230 2600 Email:
Cape Town Tel:
East London Tel:
0861 GOSCOR (467 267) www. goscorlifttrucks
+27 21 932 3052 Email:
+27 43 731 1467 Email:
From its inception GLTC ensured that it took on product that was either no. 1 or 2 in its respective segment worldwide. Its range of top brands, which service applications in the warehousing and distribution, logistics, timber, automotive, manufacturing and aviation industries and the military, makes GLTC one of the most complete MHE suppliers in the country.
BENDI articulated forklifts help the operator work faster, safer and more accurately - even in widths of just 1.6m. Apart from their ability to work in very narrow aisles – some
CROWN , the world’s largest manufacturer of electric powered MHE, including
hand pallet trucks, power pallet trucks, counter-balance forklifts, order pickers and more, is renowned for its beautifully designed, durable, user-friendly machines. A
customers have reported up to 50% space saving by using the Bendis – their unique counterbalanced design enables them to work both inside and outside obviating the need for an extra fork lift. HUBTEX , leaders in multidirec- tional and conventional side-loaders and four-way reach trucks which handle long, bulky and difficult loads, has enabled GLTC to enter new markets including the steel and timber industries, the glass industry, builders’ merchant outlets, and others. Hubtex is available in diesel, electric and LPG.
key element in Crown’s success is its advanced technology and its ingenious ‘human factor engineering’, which gives the operator the security,
confidence and momentum to
accomplish benchmark warehouse productivity.
DOOSAN , a world-lead- ing manufacturer of one of the finest selections of lift trucks, offers a wide range of quality and user-proven heavy duty forklifts. Its oil-cooled “brakes for life” system enables Goscor to offer on Doosan brakes a 60-month, unlimited hours guarantee. Its rugged steer axle with taper rollers as opposed to needle rollers ensures less uneven tyre wear and significantly less down time.
TAYLOR-DUNN builds tough, rugged, dependable vehicles to move personnel,
equipment, and materials. Its range of products - burden carriers, personnel carriers, stock-chasers, electric carts, tow tractors and more - has been the leading solution for customers in a broad range of industrial, commercial, and ground-support markets.
Purchasing new machines is not always the best choice for customers and to this end Goscor’s Rental Company provides an invaluable service. With a range of machines including forklifts, reach trucks, stackers, stock pickers, pallet trucks and more, customers can rent machines on a short-term basis - daily, weekly or monthly - at a fixed cost, and leave the maintenance and service in Goscor’s safe hands. Serving the Country Integral to GLTC’s promise is its ability to provide the same excellent service to customers no matter where they are in the country. With branches in Johannesburg, Cape Town, Durban, Port Elizabeth and East London and services centres across the nation GLTC ensures that it is only ever a phone call away.
KwaZulu Natal Tel:
Nelspruit Tel:
Port Elizabeth Tel:
+27 31 534 6100 Email:
+27 13 036 0000 Email:
+27 41 486 1892 Email:
DCD builds colossal base for a Caterpillar dragline
Mining contractor expands Terex Trucks fleet
Local contract miner Atlantis Mining has expanded its Terex Trucks fleet with the recent purchase of three TR60 rigid dump trucks. The new acquisitions will complement its existing fleet of 16 Terex Trucks units, some of which have clocked up over 25 000 working hours and are said to be still performing well. The new TR60s have been deployed at the Vaalbult Colliery in Mpumalanga, South Africa where they are being used primarily for the removal of blasted rock and hard overburden. The large size of the TR60’s bins and the high payload make them ideally suited for this application. Mark Johnstone, managing director of Atlantis Mining, says the company’s asso- ciation with Terex Trucks dates back to the mid-1980s when it bought its first Terex 2366 and 2566 dump trucks. The good performance of the haulers, coupled with Atlantis Mining’s longstanding relationship with Babcock since 2000 when the company was appointed as sole distributor for Volvo Construction Equipment in southern Africa, has ensured that Atlantis Mining continues to expand its fleet of Terex Trucks. Babcock was later appointed the official southern African distributor of Terex Trucks in October 2015 following the acquisition of Terex Trucks by Volvo Construction Equipment in June 2014. “Currently we have 16 TR60s in operation and they are all going strong,” says John- In a strategic initiative to restructure and optimise its manufacturing footprint, Caterpillar has decided to place its soft rock room and pillar underground equipment production under review and will stop taking orders for this equipment. The original equipment manufacturer has announced its intention to pursue strategic alternatives, including possible divestiture of its underground mining room and pillar prod- ucts. Caterpillar is to also discontinue the manufacture of track drills. However, Cat remains committed to underground mining, which it sees as an attractive and growing long-term industry. It is seeking to concentrate its underground mining product portfolio on those areas with the highest support requirements and greatest future opportunities. Barloworld Equipment (BWE), Cat dealer for southern Africa, has since assured its southern African customers that it is business as usual and that the company will continue to offer full service and support for all Cat products already in the field.
Atlantis Mining has just purchased three more Terex Trucks TR60 units.
stone. The trucks each run two 9,5-hour shifts in a 24-hour period, five days a week, while on Saturdays they are deployed to work at quarries for two eight-hour shifts. “The TR60s have a comfortable cab that helps reduce driver fatigue. This is complemented by air-conditioning, radio and all the modern features that assist with operator comfort. In addition, Terex Trucks keeps things simple so the trucks are easy to maintain and can be repaired by a mechanic rather than an expert electrician and a laptop,” adds Johnstone. He adds that the simplicity of the trucks means that minor problems and breakdowns can be dealt with in-house and without the need for in-depth training. Meanwhile, serious cases that may arise are addressed quickly by a trained Babcock technician who is readily available on site. b Emmy Leeka, BWE CEO Designate, says Barloworld Equipment and Caterpillar remain committed and will continue to support all its customers. He adds that the southern African operation will not be significantly affected by the Caterpillar product review. “The two mechanised mining methods used for underground coal extraction in Africa are Room and Pillar, and Longwall mining methods. Barloworld Equipment has less than 5%market share of the underground soft rock room and pillar segment. Therefore, this decision will not significantly affect existing business plans. We remain committed to supporting our customers and the existing fleet in operation.” Barloworld Equipment’s soft rock Longwall market share in southern Africa stands at 50%. Leeka says the strategy is to continue to support and grow this segment. He adds that Barloworld Equipment will be looking at alternative competitive products to com- plement the extensive drill and underground range provided by Caterpillar. b
At 18 m in diameter the dragline base comprises 16 individual sections.
DCD Heavy Engineering is nearing completion of a 380 t base for a Caterpillar dragline excavator to work at a coal project in Mpumalanga, South Africa. At 18 m in diameter, and comprising 16 individual sections, the contract to manufac- ture the base locally was awarded in April 2015. “This substantial project has been carried out with real team commitment, extensive planning and regular engagement with the customer and employees,” says Kenneth Kok, project manager at DCD Heavy Engineering. “High efficiencies of over 100% in boiler- making and welding, and a low weld- repair rate, confirm the capacity of local manufacturing to tackle large, demanding projects.” Kok says the pre-planning, the pre-testing of welders, and the overall project manage- ment resulted in the contract being delivered on time, with a very high safety standard maintained throughout the manufacturing process. “The project’s success began with an ex- pert think-tank on manufacturing method op- tions, leading to an innovative approach be- ing applied to the construction of the base,” he says. “Mock-up test structures were built to simulate the confined spaces that welders and grinders would encounter in the work environment and steel templates were sup- plied to ensure that we conform to drawing requirements.” He highlights the importance of good com- munication and effective training. In this project, regular meetings were held to check planning instructions before issuing to the works, and workshops with welders, boil- ermakers and grinders reinforced the exact tolerances and specifications required. The health of employees working in welding and grinding areas was also monitored at regular intervals. b
Barloworld continues full support of Cat products under review
Winder build for Zambian mine Specialist manufacturer DCD Heavy Engineering is nearing completion on a two-year project to produce winder drums for a copper mine in Zambia. The contract was for two double-drum winders for hoisting rock and two single- drum winders for hoisting personnel. The order also included related components such as clutches, bearings, brake stands and assembly. The completed man- winder is 6,4 m in diameter and 204 t when assembled. It can transport 141 people at a time to a depth of 1,9 km below surface in just over two minutes. The rock winder – measuring 7,2 m in diameter and weighing 175 t when assembled – collects rock from a depth of up to 2 km; each load weighs up to 27,5 t and can be delivered in less than two minutes. Total wear solution for chute project Chromium Carbide (CrC) liner expert Rio-Carb has provided a total wear solution for a chute project for a major chrome mine in the Rustenburg area in North West Province of South Africa. This represents the first time that the company’s chromium and manganese impact liner plates have been applied to the chrome mining sector. The impact of the ore on the C22 Head Chute resulted in significant wear and abrasion, which meant it had to be refurbished. “This specific chute is critical in the mine’s pro- duction process, as it conveys all of the run-of-mine material. Hence there is a lot of impact,” says Karel Lewis, technical sales consultant at Rio-Carb. The mine had used standard 400 liner plates on this application-critical chute in the past. The traditional liners only lasted 12 to 18 months, whereas the total wear solution from Rio-Carb means that the new liners now have a minimum lifespan of five to six years. Optimising underground mine design With the release of Micromine 2016, the latest version of Micromine’s ex- ploration and 3D mine design solution, features have been implemented and overhauled to assist with underground mine design. These new and improved features have been designed for ease of use and allow users to take advan- tage of the intuitive tools of Micromine for underground mine design. The schedule optimiser is a mathematically proven Mixed Integer Programming (MILP) solver that is able to provide engineers with the optimal extraction sequence. b
20-yeal low for surface mining equipment
The PBCo Mining Equipment Index is a measure of the quarterly evolution of surface mining equipment shipments worldwide. It relies on data from Parker Bay’s Mobile Mining Equipment Database and encompasses the same product range covered by the Database (all products are included except draglines whose low volume, high dollar value, long lead time sales can cause fluctuations that don’t reflect the quarterly changes in the market). The index utilises the value of equipment as opposed to number of units such that one $10 million excavator has the same weight as five $2 million trucks. Values are not based on the price of each unit as sold but instead an approximate value assigned to machines by size class and product expressed in constant dollars. b
In its recent report, The Parker Bay Company finds that the global mining equipment market is near a 20-year low. The company says in its Surface Mining Equipment Index that whether compared to previous reports sequentially or versus the peak levels that were recorded in 2012, the latest reported deliveries are “dismal”. “Annualising the latest numbers would ap- pear to result in 2016 shipments equal to less than one-quarter’s shipments during 2012. And it ranks among the worst quarters in the past 20 years,” says the company. “There are several mining industry measures that ap- pear to indicate an end to the industry-wide contraction, but these are certainly not yet reflected in equipment shipments tracked by Parker Bay.”
New report suggests that global surface mining equipment sales are at a 20- year low.
Following three years of successful col- laboration on Gravico mining aftermarket products, partners DCD Group and South- west Group have consolidated the venture into a standalone business incorporating assets from both stakeholders. The cooperation began in 2013 when DCD Venco became the manufacturing partner for Southwest’s Gravico range in Africa. Based in the Eindhoven, Netherlands, Southwest specialises in the engineering and develop- ment of a wide range of mining aftermarket products around the world. They include backload and front-shovel buckets in capac- ities from 7 m³ to 52 m³, dragline buckets (30-105 m³), dump truck bowls (80-360 t) and dragline rigging. Speaking of the local market conditions, Digby Glover, DCD Group CEO, says the con- tinued decline in surface mining equipment sales since 2012 has resulted in many origi- nal equipment manufacturers (OEMs) taking
much of their production in-house. “This has reduced the demand for product from third-party manufacturers, who now have to re-define their value offering,” says Glover. Glover says mining companies are at the same time looking for sustainable margin improvements through innovation and cost reduction. “Our commitment to Gravico ex- presses DCD’s intent to work closely with mining customers to help improve their productivity with our high-quality, cost-ef- fective solutions,” he says. Louw Kriel, managing director of South- west Group, says Gravico attachments – including dragline buckets, excavator buckets and truck bodies – have been well-received by customers in southern Africa in recent years. This has led to several substantial manufacturing con- tracts being undertaken by DCD Venco in Newcastle, now incorporated into DCD op- erations in Vereeniging. b
Johnson Crane Hire recently proved its lifting prowess on a challenging heavy lift project for a large marine diamond miner in Cape Town, South Africa. As part of routine quarterly maintenance, dredging vessels are brought into the Cape Town harbour where the necessary servicing and repair work is undertaken in the dry dock. In this particular instance, Johnson Crane Hire was called upon to remove three large components from the vessel, being the vessel’s 52 t gimbal head, the 42 t derrick and the 20 t crown. Removal of these large components facili- tated important repairs to both these critical items and the dredging vessel. A set number of days had been allocated to the mainte- nance programme and this meant that all contractors needed to adhere to the work schedule. Careful planning played an import- ant role in ensuring the successful comple- tion of the lifts, says Richard Simmons, heavy lift hydraulic cranes manager at Johnson Crane Hire. Close interface between the crane special- ist and the mining house’s own maintenance teams was critical. “The mining house had allocated exactly 35 days to the maintenance programme and we therefore had to ensure that we were able to meet their lifting dead- lines,” he says. Among the challenges that Johnson Crane Hire had to contend with on this specialised lift was the high wind speeds that occur in the area, which at times can reach 108 km per hour. This caused lift- ing operations to be stopped during such pe- riods. Conditions were monitored and close communication between the operator and the team on the ground was essential as the lifts could only be done when the wind was below 38 km per hour. Another complex- ity was the extremely congested working environment on the quay side, where there Skyjack partnered with fourth-year industri- al design students from the Bachelor in Indus- trial Design program offered by Humber Col- lege’s School of Applied Technology, which is based in Toronto, Canada. Skyjack challenged the students to work on the aesthetic styling of Skyjack’s DC scissors, RT scissors, articulat- ed booms and telescopic booms. “This styling project was awesome. When we interacted with a lift on our own, we saw different areas where we could improve the machine’s ergonomics,” says Michelle Tran, a student who participated
Durban recently experienced heavy rain- falls and floods which left debris washed down from the rivers along the coastlines. With the huge task of cleaning up rest- ing on Parks & Beaches and the Durban Municipality, Goscor Group’s Bobcat divi- sion offered to be involved in restoring the coastlines. “We approached Parks & Beaches man- ager, Bruce Blake, and Durban Municipali- ty’s technical engineering manager, Godfrey Vella, to offer our assistance,” says Bobcat’s Brian Rachman. “Using the T870 Bobcat fitted with a skeleton bucket, we managed to push and stockpile huge amounts of litter over a three- day period from the Blue Lagoon river mouth. This machinery enabled us to lift most of the heavy debris, leaving the beach sand behind. For collecting the finer material, we used the new beach cleaner attachment.” “When dealing with the outcome of natural disasters, particularly along our coastlines, every type of assistance is most welcome. It is indeed a mammoth task to get our beaches and parks to the state they were in before being hit by heavy rains and floods. “Companies such as Bobcat have demonstrated their commitment to keeping our areas clean and safe, and we commend them for coming forward without waiting on us to call for help. Watching the machinery in action was an amazing sight,” says Bruce Blake, Parks & Beaches manager. Bobcat machines were recently used to lift most of the heavy debris at the Durban coastline. Skyjack’s recent partnership with college students has resulted in potential concepts for the company’s future scissors and boom designs. Among the ideas students proposed were concepts for terrain detection and new camera systems. “The students’ designs were an impres- sive mix of innovation and practicality,” says Malcolm Early, vice-president of market, Sky- jack. “They independently visited customers and job sites, then used those inputs to come up with innovative ideas ranging from terrain detection to camera systems.”
Johnson Crane Hire used its 750 t mobile crane to undertake all three lifts.
was just enough space in the laydown area to place equipment and lower the boom and luffing section of the crane. Johnson Crane Hire used its 750 t mobile crane to undertake all three lifts. The crane was equipped with 204 t of counterweight and a 31,5 m luffing jib. The first component to be lifted was the gimbal head as this was on the critical path of the project. “With a 35 m lifting radius, the gimbal was the most complicated component to lift, and required accurate movements to extract it from the vessel in the dry dock and raise it safely out of the ship,” says Simmons. The crane’s sophisticated guide system helped to accurately control the deflections on the boom during all the lifts. This was particularly important during the lifting of the gimbal head. While state-of- the-art equipment is essential in ensuring successful lifts, Simmons is quick to point out that the company has a large pool of skilled operators. “Our operators have extensive heavy lift experience, and undergo regular training both in-house and at crane OEMs.” This is exactly what continues to give Johnson Crane Hire its competitive edge in the heavy lifting market. b in the project. “One thing I learnt through this project is that whatever we designed, we had to take manufacturability and keeping costs low into consideration.” The partnership was part of an industri- al design practices course, where faculty members in charge, Dennis L. Kappen and Glenn Moffatt, asked 27 students to re- search competitive brands, visit equipment rental companies, conduct ethnographic research and assimilate operators and rental companies’ feedback on the Skyjack products. b
Skyjack partners with university to innovate scissor, boom designs
Hiab renews loader crane range Hiab, part of Cargotec, has renewed its mid-range loader cranes with 24 new or updated models. The new cranes are, at their maximum, 300 kg lighter than Hiab’s previous ones, which means an equal amount of extra payload for the customer. “The updated cranes come with innovative features that make crane operation simpler, safer and more productive. Crane Tip Control minimises the complexity of coordinating the crane for the operator and Load Stability System ensures the safe usage of the crane. Semi- Automatic Folding makes it possible to park or activate the crane semi-automatically, which simplifies one of the most difficult operations when working with a loader crane,” says Hans E. Ohlsson, director, Medium Range Loader Cranes, Hiab. Liebherr A 934 C on show From its material handlers programme, Liebherr will showcase the A 934 C Litronic at Bauma China 2016 next month. It has an operating weight of approximately 37 t. It is powered by a Liebherr diesel engine with turbocharger and charge-air intercooler, which complies with Tier 3 / Stage IIIA emission limits. It is of 7 000cc capacity with an engine output of 150 of 1 800 rpm. The A 934 C Litronic material handler has a wide support base with large pads for maximum stability. Depending on the working equipment, extremely heavy loads can be raised by up to 17 m and moved out to the same working radius. The tried-and-trusted multi-tine grapples, wood grapples as well as clamshell grabs are essential tools for every Liebherr material handler. Tower crane manufacturer Comansa CM, part of the Linden Comansa group, has launched a new series of flat-top tower cranes. The four new models, with maximum load capacity of 10 and 12 t, are already available for global markets, while two more will be arriving soon, before the end of the year. The new cranes are models 16CM185 (10t), 16CM185 (12t), 16CM220 (10t) and the 16CM220 (12t), all with maximum jib length of 65 m. The 16CM260 and 16CM260 will be launched soon and will come with jib length of 70 m. All the cranes from the CM1600 Series feature flat-top design, frequency controlled mechanisms, different options of hoist speeds and the PowerLift system. The new CM1600 fills the gap between the CM1100 Series (with max. loads of 6 and 8 t) and the CM2100 Series (up to 25 t of maximum load capacity). b New flat-top tower cranes from Comansa
The Potain tower crane is tasked with the main materials handling duties for the structure.
The five cranes strategically positioned between the high rise buildings at the Village Walk give an indication of the sheer extent of another important building project under way in Sandton, South Africa. By mid-July 2016, the building contractors had already tackled approximately 10% of the works, which comprises a new commercial and retail development in Gauteng’s business hub. Prominent South African property devel- oper, Eris Property Group, has contracted a joint venture between Trencon Construction and Aveng Grinaker-LTA Building to construct the two new office towers that make up this development. One of the complexities on this project is the immense work involved in building the two large office towers in one of the busiest areas of Sandton. Together, both structures have a large footprint of 16 000 m 2 in an excavation that challenged the geotechnical contractors ahead of the arrival of the construction JV. The biggest tower has a footprint of 9 000 m 2 at basement level. Once completed, this building will comprise seven basements, two floors of retail space, 13 floors of offices and a roof structure. It will be occupied by MMI. This is the second tower to be tackled by the JV. It flanks the existing Nedbank building, and calls for the careful planning and coordination of material handling and lifting activities considering the tight project schedule. Themain materials handling tasks are being undertaken using a Potain MC 125 tower crane. Ernst Bezuidenhout, Trencon’s senior site agent, says during the initial stages of the build, the tower crane had to be erected with a 30 m jib due to its very close proximity to the adjacent building. Potain has designed its tower cranes to accommodate different combinations of 5 m and 10 m jib sections. Specifically, the Potain MC 125 can be erect- ed in a 60 m, 55 m, 50 m, 40 m and 30 m jib configuration, a major benefit on this partic- ular project site.
At the end of July, the tower crane was anchored and jacked to about 54 m, sufficient height to adequately clear the neighbouring structures. The crane will be raised five times over the duration of the contract. The next jack took place in mid-September when the crane was raised to a height of 68 m. The jib was removed using a mobile crane and extended to 60 m to allow the required reach for materials handling activities across the construction site. By August 2017, the crane will reach its final height of 123 m. From the outset, the Potain MC 125 has been servicing the construction requirements of the main elevator shaft. The tower crane handles the extensive formwork, concrete and reinforcement needed to build the structural elements of the tower. At the same time, it is tasked with lifting and placing the 5 t hydraulic boom pump with its counterweights at the work face. Here, a preformed steel system, using hydraulic shutters, that is able to jack two platforms at a time is being used to build the 13 m by 7 m elevator shaft, fireman’s lift and fire escape stairway. Toni Flavio, operations director of Trencon Construction, says the JV’s supply chain partners were carefully selected based on their sound performance in the South African construction industry. “We look for an ability to supply us with a top quality service. This is vital, considering that our business relationships are based on mutual trust and performance,” he says. This is exactly why Trencon Construction uses SA French for all its tower crane requirements. The company has been doing business with the Potain dealer for the past five years. Flavio says the Potain brand has always inspired confidence in the company to build complex high-rise projects. “Building 30-storey structures is a complex activity. You need to be sure that when you embark on such a project you have the correct equipment, as this can make or break a contract,” he says. b
Lubricating for increased plant efficiency
Metso used Eelctra Mining to showcase its complete portfolio of wear parts ranging from grinding media, through to screening media and lining products. These included Metso’s haul truck liners, protective lining for crushers and the company’s 305 x 305 mm screening media panels, Trellex 305PS. Trellex 305PS is a modular system that improves screening processes, thanks to its long wear life and flexibility. Trellex Poly-Cer is designed to be resistant to abrasion even in high material flows and speeds, according to Michael Gyberg, global support manager Nordics, Europe, Africa & Middle East for Screening Media and Lining Solutions at Metso. The unique design of ceramic inserts improves wear life and impact resistance. Poly-Cer also reduces noise and vibration. Meanwhile, Mesto also showed its Haul Truck Solution, a rubber lining solution said to be four to five times stronger than steel. “Customers from all around the world have found that Metso rubber bed linings for mining haul trucks have been proven to last at least four times longer than steel. The liner also dramatically improves the working environment for the operator by reducing vibrations by more than 95% and cutting the perceived noise in the cabin by 50%,” says Gyberg. “This helps increase availability of trucks as well as average payload and reduce the risk for work related injuries,” says Gyberg. The modular design makes the lining easier to install and maintain than steel The JOEST Group used Electra Mining to announce JVT Vibrating Equipment’s name change to JOEST South Africa following its Supreme Court victory in an appeal over name rights. The Supreme Court of Appeal of South Africa has confirmed that JOEST Kwatani had no rights to use the name JOEST after the license agreement ended in 2012 and all technology and support, including the vibrating drives manufactured by JOEST had been stopped. “We are sorry for the confusion of our customers because we are dedicated to the African market since the 70’s and will further expand our local presence with local manufacturing, a service network and an extensive stock ELECTRA MINING REVIEW IN BRIEF JVT Vibrating Equipment is now JOEST South Africa
Metso’s Haul Truck Solution is four to five times stronger than steel.
options, with the possibility to only replace individual modules instead of the entire lining. You can easily arrange for the quick change-outs when the truck is in the repair centre for regular engine maintenance. The result is shorter replacement and installation time compared with steel lining. Metso also showed its protective lining solutions for crushers, said to offer four times or more wear life compared with steel lining. Long wear life in combination with quick and safe change-outs keep downtime to a minimum. Meanwhile, Metso’s new generation of crusher upgrades aim to increase productivity by up to 30%, while also reducing maintenance costs and bringing equipment into line with enhanced safety practices. The upgrades are available for Symons and Nordberg cone crushers, and Superior gyratory crushers. They are offered in packages that are easy to use; every kit includes clear installation instructions or alternatively Metso can provide the customer with a field service team for support or for the complete installation. b of spare parts we have,” says Dr Hans Moormann, chairman of the Board and majority owner of the JOEST group. Boosting efficiencies in minerals processing Responding specifically to customer requirements, SEW-Eurodrive’s new X-series Agitator, showcased at Electra Mining Africa 2016, features an integrated Extended Bearing Distance (EBD). This means it consists of a standard gearbox with a modified output side to increase the radial and axial forces. The distance between the low-speed shaft bearings has been increased, while bearings with larger dynamic capacities have been used. “An integration of the EBD with
ExxonMobil, one of the largest international oil and gas companies, used Electra Mining to show a range of its lubrication solutions for the mining industry. The Mobilith SHC 220 is part of ExxonMobil’s comprehensive range of high performance lubricants said to have been designed to help optimise the productivity and efficiency of mine site operations when compared to conventional greases. Mobilith SHC 220 is a high performance synthetic grease designed to perform in demanding applications and at extreme temperatures. It is part of a comprehensive offer to the mining industry, which includes: • Mobil SHC 600 Series – Mobil SHC 600 oils can deliver a service life up to six times longer than competitive, mineral oil-based, gear and bearing lubricants. In independent university laboratory testing, and statistically validated field tests, the Mobil SHC 600 Series have demonstrated their ability to deliver an energy saving of up to 3,6%. • Mobil DTE 10 Excel Series – High performance hydraulic oils that provide long oil life and help minimise deposit formation in severe hydraulic systems. In controlled laboratory efficiency testing, ExxonMobil’s comprehensive range of high performance lubricants are designed to optimise efficiency of mine site operations when compared to conventional greases. Mobil DTE 10 Excel was measured to provide up to a 6% improvement in hydraulic pump efficiency. • Mobil Delvac – A fully synthetic, high performance heavy-duty diesel engine oil that helps extend engine life while providing long drain capability and potential fuel economy for modern diesel engines operating in severe off-highway applications. It is said to maintain sound performance at significantly higher temperatures than other high- performance diesel engine oils. It is also fully compatible with conventional oils. b
Eaton showcased a top selection of its safe and efficient turnkey solutions aimed at increasing uptime.
Power Management Company Eaton used Electra Mining Africa exhibition from 12-16 September to showcase a top selection of its safe and efficient turnkey solutions for effective management of electrical, hydraulic and mechanical power to increase uptime in critical operations. Eaton says it is continuously focused on supporting its customers in solving their power management challenges through wide-ranging and world renowned products and solutions. “We pride ourselves on being the go- to provider of reliable, safe and efficient products within the mining ecosystem, through our balanced portfolio of technologies. Our 89-year history in Africa demonstrates our expertise in helping our customers to better manage costs and capital, mitigate risk and work safely by providing innovative solutions to manage power in key industry segments,” says axial and/or radial bearings into the gearbox is far more cost-efficient for the customer than a purely external bearing configuration mounted on the application,” says Andreas Meid, head of department – Engineering. The main applications for the X-series Agitator are mixers, agitators and aerators, where high radial forces, combined with axial forces, act on the low-speed shaft.
Trevor Sansom, head of Mining, Africa. Products launched at Electra Mining included the Power Xpert CXH – a low-voltage motor control and power distribution solution which is designed to deliver greater performance in demanding operations. It is equipped with the Power Xpert C445 motor management relay designed to give users the intelligence to monitor and protect their system with greater accuracy. The L112 belt conveyer control also made its debut at the show. It is a belt conveyer control system designed for harsh and hazardous environments like those found in the mining industry. Its standard features include voice communications, signalling and prestart warnings. To ensure risk reduction the L112 is equipped with the SIL3 certified safety coupler utilising emergency shutdown, misalignment and pull rope switches, with an integrated encoding circuit for identification. b of the market. Managing director, Jaco Buitendag, says that PAT made a strategic decision to take a clean sheet approach to developing an innovative and more technologically advanced slurry pump solution. “Over the past three years we have worked with our clients to identify key improvements that could be made to existing slurry pumps. We applied the latest technology in developing the new CURVE range which we believe will revolutionise the slurry pump industry.” Initial testing of the CURVE pumps has shown remarkable results with regards to TOC reduction, longer wear life, improved efficiency, lower power consumption throughout the product lifecycle and improved safety during maintenance. b
Revolutionising slurry pump industry
South African slurry pump manufacturer Pump and Abrasion Technologies (PAT) used Electra Mining Africa to show its new range of slurry pumps said to be tailored specifically for the needs
W irtgen SA has launched two new cutting tools for cold re- cyclers and soil stabilisers to the South African market. In cold recycling and soil stabilising, choosing the right cutting tools alongside primary machinery has a significant impact on both the quality and cost efficiency of the application. No two cutting bases are the same; sometimes debris or large stones make soil stabilising more challenging, or the base substrate for rehabilitation is studded with abrasive materials. This means that not only do the cutting substrates differ significantly, but the forces that act on the milling and mixing rotor can also vary drastically as a result. In an effort to further enhance its range of cutting technology products and to cater for the demands of particularly tough on-site conditions, the Wirtgen Group has recently developed two new cutting tools, namely the Generation Z and the HT22. “The Generation Z point-attack cutting tools and the HT22 quick-change toolholder system are a great combination offering long tool life and offer a host of benefits to the user, including high impact resistance, re- duced wear and greater stability,” says Ian
Kukard, parts manager at Wirtgen SA. The reshaped carbide tip of the Generation Z point attack cutting tools has been further reinforced and the quality of the carbide material has been optimised further. These improvements make the cutting tool more robust and resistant to large blocks of stone and abrasive materials. The steel base, wear plate and clamping sleeve have also been modified, making the Generation Z components more durable. Cutting tools with shank diameters of either 22 mm or 25 mm can be used with the Gener- ation Z range, so users can adapt to different requirements with ease and precision. New development The HT22 quick-change toolholder system is a new development from the Wirtgen Group. Due to the updated geometrical design of the base and the upper and lower parts of the toolholder, as well as the enhanced steel quality, the system components are said to be highly robust, offering the user sound stability. The hammer head of the redesigned base offers additional protection against wear. “The direct benefit for the user is the ex- tended service life of the cutters and the
Generation Z and HT22 are available for all wheeled cold recyclers and soil stabilisers in the WR series as well as tractor-towed stabilisers in the WS series. quick-change toolholder system. This results in fewer tool changes, less downtime on ma- chinery, longer service intervals and increased machine availability, so soil can be stabilised cost-effectively regardless of challenging site conditions. Even severely damaged road pavements can be recycled efficiently,” says Kukard. “Wirtgen SA is proud to bring this innovation to the South African market and looks forward to passing on the many benefits that come with Generation Z and HT22 to our South African customers.” b
DISA Equipment (Pty) Ltd T/A Doosan SA Johannesburg : Tel: +27 11 974 2095 | Fax: +27 11 974 2778 | 60c Electron Avenue, Isando, Kempton Park Durban : Tel: +27 31 700 1612 | Fax: +27 31 700 1646 | 4B Stockville, Mahogany Ridge, Pinetown Wolmaransstad : Tel: +27 18 596 3024 | Fax: +27 18 596 1015 | 72 Kruger Street, Wolmaransstad E-mail : Visit our website to find a dealer near you –
Doosan 12/039 Tindrum 15/046
For 90 years, Caterpillar machines have helped build critical infrastructure projects throughout Africa.
To further boost its dealer footprint, as well as providing critical skills training for the long-term growth of its business in Africa, Caterpillar, together with its independent dealers and the Caterpillar Foundation, has announced plans to invest a massive $1-billion into African countries in the next five years. The announcement, made by Caterpillar Chairman and CEO Doug Oberhelman, recon- firms Caterpillar’s long-term commitment to the continent and is intended to provide a major upgrade in customer service capabili- ties – including enhanced parts distribution capacity, new state-of-the-art Certified Re- build Centres, new dealer branch locations, the expansion of Caterpillar’s Technicians for Africa online skills development pro- gramme and millions of dollars to support programmes that lift people out of poverty. With approximately 15 000 Caterpillar and Cat dealer employees in Africa, Caterpillar
already has a significant footprint in a market it deems important and growing. “Caterpillar’s investment will increase that footprint, while simultaneously boosting the infrastructure development and skills training capabilities necessary in African countries for them to continue their rise in global competitiveness,” the company says. “For 90 years, Caterpillar machines have helped build critical infrastructure projects throughout Africa. Today, we bring not only construction machinery to the continent, but also traditional and renewable power gener- ation solutions, diesel-electric locomotives, marine engines and mining equipment,” says Oberhelman. “With today’s announcement, we are proudly confirming our plan to make a long-term investment to help build, devel- op and power communities, and serve as an education and training partner to broaden and strengthen local workforce talent and expertise.” b
Wacker Neuson has launched its new ML440 Light Tower, said to be a game changer with its range of innovative features. According to Wacker Neuson’s product specialist, Rainer Schmidt, the new ML440 Light Tower will be a boon for work-after-dark job sites. It is ideal for construction sites, municipal road maintenance, commercial landscaping, emergency services and events, to mention a few. Elaborating on the quality and area size of the lighting delivered by the ML440 Light Tower, Schmidt says that the special pulse- start metal halide lamps not only provide exceptional luminance but also ensures extended lamp life compared to probe- start counterparts. “Furthermore, the lights’ rectangular shape provides a wider lighting coverage of 403 msq at 54 lux, and the lamps can be turned individually to better focus the light where required.” A highlight of the ML440 Light Tower is that it is equipped with Wacker Neuson’s heavy-duty MG5 jobsite generator. “This provides our customers with the convenience of a two-in-one solution, as the generator can be used separately for other purposes when the light tower is not in operation,” explains Schmidt. “For customers who already own compatible generators, we can also supply the ML440 without the generator.” b Side stabilisers ensure stability in high wind conditions and the solid polyurethane wheels offer the benefit of no punctures on site.
WHY CHEAPER IS NOT ALWAYS THE BEST OPTION With the South African economy strug- gling to grow and many companies tight- ening their budgets, it is very easy for businesses to fall into the trap of choos- ing price over quality when making pur- chasing decisions. costing the business more in the longer- term? When it comes to practical equipment have you ever wondered why one option is so much cheaper than another?” asks Rhys Evans, managing director of ALCO-Safe.
On the surface, cheaper equipment may offer most of the features and benefits that the more expensive models offer, without the steep price tag. Sometimes the transaction is even termed a great bargain, whereby the buyer believes he got more value than what he paid for. “But is it a bargain? Or are we sometimes unknowingly deferring the full payment,
Evans says it is a well-known fact that substance abuse related accidents cost companies hundreds of thousands of Rands every year. “We can look at some- thing simple like a breathalyser. Why does one brand with similar features cost significantly less than another brand,” he says. “Build quality and the quality of materials used is one reason, but what
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